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the Rise of the Ghost Knight Updated 30/4/12


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Yes I am planning picking out the small detail just have to wait for a small detail brush any idea what inks I should use also I am going to do something with the flag I am planning on painting the icon of Nurgle on it with the Ghost Knights written on it though have to wait for that brush, any good tips for rusted metal, bone or making the green they are look better and I am not that good with paints how does thinning work????


There are many ways to do rust, but what I prefer is working with browns up to orange, basecoat of Rhinox Hide, layer or two of thinned down Skrag Brown, and lastly thinned Blazing Orange (Dont know what they renamed it to). Leave some of the previous layer visible here and there. So yea there are no metallic paints in my recipe :tu: You dont want it to look smooth so thinning is your friend here.

How I thin my paints is I mix paint and water on my pallet until I get consistency I want, usually its something like 2 parts of water and 3 parts of paint. It takes about 2 coats to cover undercoat with this mix, but that way you get smooth coverage and no visible brush strokes.

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