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Luthers LPC Vow

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I figured I'd throw my vow up here too (it's already on my blog) so you can all mock me if I fail ;)


I, luther - the fallen of the Chaos Ascendant Subforum, vow on the honour of my Chapter Legion to paint and present at least 10 Traitor Marines, 5 Raptors, a Standard Bearer and a Captain on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.


So Far this is what I've got.


My Chosen "Command" Squad, here I need to paint the Standard bearer and a Traitor Marine. NOTE: The unpainted Marine has been changed to a Mk III armour, and both the Standard bearer and Marine has been primed:



Captain Ke'diiter, Captain of the 8th Company, 8th Grand Company. NOTE: He is now primed and armed with a combi-flamer from Forgeworld.



My "Raptors" - Moving so fast the Pic is blurry.. :P NOTE: Now Primed, and with an extra member, bringing them up to a 5 man squad.



My Traitor Marine Squad, so far counting a staggering 2 Marines, here I need to paint the last 9 Traitor Marines. Please note the IG Sniper in the background is NOT a part of the squad :) NOTE: The rest of the squad have arrived today, still need primer and paint.




If I finish this before the 1st of March, I'll add a Heresy Era Rhino (the nice old-school one from FW that is) to my vow.


luther - the fallen

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here's an update for you all.


I've managed to do some work on 3 minis, however I need YOUR help with one of them.


Captain Ke'diiter, now primed and armed :)



Standard Bearer - Still needs a few details (eyes for example) but here's the deal. I need help with the Banner.

What do you think I should do with it?



two Traitor Marines - nothing big here, still need to do the Night Lords Logo on these.



That's it for now.


luther - the fallen

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First, thanks for the praise, it always keeps me motivated ;)


@ Kol-Saresk: that's a good idea, however I want to do the banner more "Pre-Heresy" as if it's something they've kept since the days when their Primarch walked beside them.


@ Kassill: I appologise for the blurriness of the Pics, they're taken with my phone as my camera died along time ago :S as for the backlighting in the pics, that's most likely another lamp, as I'm hardly ever home while the sun is up.


@ Brother Nihm: thanks, it's really easy to do, I might be persuaded to do a tutorial when I find the time for it.


I expect to make an update tomorrow.


luther - the fallen

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Oh yeah. Well I figured it might still work since the Night Lords were terror troops both pre- and post-heresy so I figured it might still work then, just without any Chaos symbols. Maybe the winged skull but make the skull look like it's screaming?
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Very nice, I like the clean subdued look and the retro extra long lightning. Only thing I'm not so sold on is the yellow faceplate on the Chosen with the flamer, white and red work better I think.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated this, but I've been busy doing some army stuff. I'm almost done with the raptor squad, and I've painted the base layer on the Captain. I hope to have pics for you all in a few days. As for the yellow faceplate, it was a test, and it'll be the only yellow faceplate in the force, I promise.
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I still haven't got any pics for you guys, but here's a quick update: I've finished work on my raptors, and I've almost finished my captain. I still need inspiration for my banner, so if you have any ideas, feel free to throw ideas my way. I've also added a Rhino to my pledge.
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