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Raptors captain WIP


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Well, this is the start of my Raptors force. I still haven't decided on a weapon for him, or a head. I want to give him a big ol' machete, but I haven't found a suitable bit. I also have a very crappy glue bottle, which leaked all over his backpack. Going to have to figure out some way to get a bunch of dried glue off of it. Any tips? Well, here he is:






Suggestions for his head and a weapon would be nice! :D And tips on removing dried glue :(




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Hey, Alex here, He looks pretty cool, never thought of mounting the auxilery like that, but looks realy nice, very raptor-e, along with the storm bolter, it makes lots of guns. I dont mean to be overkill but another gun in his left hand would make him look realy awsome :devil: , for the head, I would recomend a realy OTT targeting one with lots of targeters, I think the commander box one would work!, And I cant help you with the glue I'm afraid!


Any way onto listing the parts!

Main body: Tactical squad chest piece along with back pack

Right arm: Captain arm

Storm Bolter: Captain Storm Bolter

Legs: Legs are from the devestator/command squad sprue with 6 sets of legs on it or the *razorback sprue* as I dub it

Back pack: Devestator sprue, hinting at that the legs are from the devestator box

Auxilery grenade launcher mount: Lascannon targeter sight

Auxilery grenade launcer: Multi melta ammo feed


Hope I'm right!

Hey, Alex here, He looks pretty cool, never thought of mounting the auxilery like that, but looks realy nice, very raptor-e, along with the storm bolter, it makes lots of guns. I dont mean to be overkill but another gun in his left hand would make him look realy awsome :) , for the head, I would recomend a realy OTT targeting one with lots of targeters, I think the commander box one would work!, And I cant help you with the glue I'm afraid!


Any way onto listing the parts!

Main body: Tactical squad chest piece along with back pack

Right arm: Captain arm

Storm Bolter: Captain Storm Bolter

Legs: Legs are from the devestator/command squad sprue with 6 sets of legs on it or the *razorback sprue* as I dub it

Back pack: Devestator sprue, hinting at that the legs are from the devestator box

Auxilery grenade launcher mount: Lascannon targeter sight

Auxilery grenade launcer: Multi melta ammo feed


Hope I'm right!


Heh, you are correct on all counts! :devil: Good eye! The lascannon targeted sight was a particularly annoying cut job. I actually went through two of them on this guy before I got it right. I plan on adding something to the mm ammo feed to make it look like it can rotate. I don't know about adding more guns :) I think I've definitely decided on some sort of "power machete." I just have to find one. I have the devastator sergeant head at my disposal, but I want to give him a head that's more "Captain-y." Right now he looks too much like a dev sergeant IMO.


Edit: @terminatorinhell: on the miniature, on the backpack mostly.

Power machete, eh? How about Sly Marbo's blade?


Hmmmm... Sly Marbo's blade would be almost perfect, were it not for the fact I would have to buy the whole model to get it. I took a look at some of the catachan ccw arms and there's a couple of good ones I could use. Im even tempted to go as far as using an entire bare arm and putting a shoulderpad on it, though I wonder if it would look awkward...





re: a Machete of impressive size, the Ogre Kingdom's Bulls have a couple options that I think would probably do the job there:






Just hack the blade off and re-attach it to a suitable ccw hand and you're good-to-go! :)


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