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Local league battle reports


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So, last Octomber we started a league in my local store. The idea is to get a single match per 2 weeks. We stopped the matces for Christmas and will start again next Saturday.12 players playing 8 games in total. After each game we add points if the entire army is painted and a 0 min 3 max points for fair, fun play.

Wins get 6 points draws 3 loses 1.

We change the lists depending on the opponent and the point limmit is always 1750.


The combatands:

3 Blood Angels

1 Space wolf

1 Grey Knight

1 Tyranid

1 Ork

2 Dark eldar

1 Tau

1 Chaos space marine


So 1st game against Blood Angels 5 objectives pitched battle. Won 2-1


I choose Champion with AAC

LRC with 7 assault termis

5 CML tank hunter termis

Crusader squad in rhino with melta multi melta

Crusader squad in Land Rainder melta fist (Champion joins here)

And a trilas predator


He had a Land Raider reddemer with termis librarian and priest inside,


2 assault squads with meltas powerfist

assault squad in razorback with las

assault squad in razorback with assault cannon

a single attack bike with MM


A quick and brutal game.

I get first turn and start shooting, nothing really happens. He close in through cover and got the the razorbacks close on to objectives. He kept both assault squads with jumppacks in reserve.


Second turn i move the rhino on a middle objective. I destroy his las razorback with the lascannons and kill the attack bike with the termis. His reserves arrives. He through one combat squad with meltas in each of my Raiders and flies Mephiston right in the face of my rhino.

He fails to destroy either raider and Mephiston fails to even charge the rhino through difficult terrain.


3rd turn and i trough the rhino crusader squad on a five man combat squad with meltas while the Emperor's champion and the shooting termis get a charge on Mephiston. My LRC gun down the Marines that tried their meltas on it leaving no meltas alive but a couple of other guys and blows my opponents LRR with the MM. Seeing that the game isn't going well he chooses to soft up the crusader squad with Mephiston because getting the objectives was his only option at this point. Mephiston kill some marines (mainly neophytes as usual :P) and then falls to the powerfists. He tries a desparate attack with inferno pistols against my LRC but fails without the range for additional dice. He position his remaining troops all around to cover objectives.


Fourth turn I charge the termis against his termis wipping them to the last before the hammers even hit and get the LRC to finish off the previous assault squad. I leave one of my troops the middle objective and close in on a nearby objective with the other unit.

At this point he controls 2 objectives with the razorback squad and has the other two assault squad close to the other two objectives with me only having the middle one but he can only wait and see.


Fifth turn i get a charge to a combat squad with my termis wipping them from an objective while the LRC gun down the last marine from the first razorback to get pop.

I capture an objective with my rhino that got the second squad inside but missplace it a little so his last jump assault squad was able to charge it!! He only needed 1 intch to contest that objective and if the game endded in turn 5 (and it endded) he could have scored a draw!!!


One sided game but a little mistake could have cost me victory :mellow:

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Second match was against the space wolves.

Again a bad move almost cost me the victory.


I played Champion with AAC

7 Assault termis in LRC

5 termis with CML and tank hunters

Crusader squad in rhino with power weapon melta(champion joins here)

Crusader squad in rhino with multi melta, melta

Crusader squad with lascannon, plasma

Trilas predator

Vindicator POTMS


He played a Wolf lord on a thunderwolf

3 Thunder wolf cavarly

long fangs with lascannons plasma cannons and a runepriest joined

a vindi

a dreadnought with MM in drop pod

5 Wolf scouts with melta bombs, gun and plasmas

2 greyhunter squads with 2meltas, mark of wolven, banner, fist in rhinos


The mission was dawn of war kill points.

I deployed the MM squad while he deployed a greyhunter squad.

He gets first turn and sends the dreadnought to fire at the rhino. Everything else just moves in.

He deployed his entire army on one side of the table and the thunderwolves alone near the center. I was tempeted to use my vindi on them but those storm shields they all had made me change my mind. I shoot his dread with the termis and blow it up.


Second turn and his scouts fail to arrive he start shooting to no real effect and even lose the vindi shoot because it was out of range!! :mellow:

I fire back pinning his long fanges with the vindi and blowing his vindi.


Third turn and a greyhunter pack gets to shoot the rhino that had my champ while the scouts fail to damage the LRC. The thunder wolf caverly comes closer but fails a charge through difficult on the MM rhino. he needed 6 to the roll

The assault termis charge his scouts and with a little help with shooting the champion and his squad defeats the first grey hunter squad. Also the vindi leaves the long fangs with just one lascannon and kills the runepriest.


Fourth turn. He detach the Lord from the rest of the cavalry and he charge on the shooting termis killing them. The rest of the cavalry makes a combine assault on my lascannon squad and the predator wipping them out. I respond with my termis assaulting the thunderwolves and get the champion in hand to hand with the grey hunters. The thunderwolves die and by that time i blow hes drop pod as well with the MM squad playing it safe inside the raider.


Fifth turn and the only thing left is for his lord to charge the champion and his squad and finish them of. In my turn i foolishly choose to charge with my termis inside cover (not exiting the LRC at this point) against both the grey hunters and the lord and i lost them in a single turn of combat. At this point the game ended.


Won the game with 8 kill points for me 7 for the opponent. He could have taken out my vindi with his lord or even get a lucky melta shoot (out of 6'' range) on the raider if the game continued. Off course with the vindi and raider i could even table him if we continued but why the risk? loosing the termis like that was a very bad move.

So on to the third game.

This is were i need some advice/help more than anywhere else.

The game was against tyranids and it was a dissaster!!! :( I even quit the game before getting tabled because i most certainly would have.

I am pretty sure i made a bad list, i played it badly and had a tough opponent (currently the one leading the league and i don't see this changing in the last 2 games)


I played Champion with AAC

14 man crusader squad with fist, flamer in LRC with blessed hull

Rhino crusader squad with lascannon and flamer

Vindicator POTMS

Land raider godhammer

5 assault terminators with hammers

5 shooty terminators with CML


The idea was to keep a big scoring unit in a relative safe place and have the ability to deal with hordes using the troops. The termis and lascannons along with the vindi would try hurt the big MC as well as his shooting support.


His list was Hive tyrand with three guards

A prime

A tervigon troop

outflanking geanstealers

30 termagaunts

2 units of 3 Zoanthropes

3 hive guard

and a big unit ofshrikes.


The mission was 4 objectives in picthed battle

I deployed an objective first, the he put an objective 12,5'' away from it, i deployed my next objective further away and he put the last objective in a way to create a triangle.

He won first turn and deployed his entire force (except the stealers) in front of the three objectives.

I deployed with my long range shooting units and the assault termis in the godhammer as far back on the board but opposite his force looking at the objectives. The LRC and vindi i tryed keeping away from bad shooting and with quick access to the lone objective.


First turn he simply moved forward no shoots firing but grabing two objectives the tervigon started bringing gaunts by the dozens and not stopping until the game ended.

I start shooting giving a wound on the tervigon and killing 2 zoanthropes. The other zoanthrope unit had the prime with it joined.

Using the 30 termagaunts to give cover save on the tyrant seemedlike a waste of time to use there the vindi. In fear of the zoanthropes and tervigons onslaught i didn't get the LRC close enough to fire at anything.

At this point i only see a big blob of flesh in the middle of three objectives!!!! Everything had a 4+ cover save that could easily get 3+ and my vindi scored a super hit with many units and models under the template and manage a single wound on the hive guards, a couple of wounds on the tyrant unit and about 6 to 8 termagaunts being vaporized.


The second round starts and the stealers arrive. They get their fleet and charge the immobile rhino that was shooting the lascannon. he fires his hive guard at the vindi destroying it and the rest off the army continue to advance as a single big mass of creatures!!! I foolisly get my assault termis out of the raider to charge the stealers only to fail the charge because of difficult terrain after he removes the models closer to the termisdue to the crusader squad shooting at them with pistols and flamer.


Third turn and the horde of gaunts gets to charge the termis after the tyrant put them paroxism, i win the round but with a single termi alive (he charged through cover) I also beat the stealers with the crusader squad but there was nowhere for them to go since the godhammer got blown up by the onslaught zoantropes. I put a few more shoots with the shooting termis and the LRC and see the last termi fall to the gaunts.


Turn four he moves toward the shooty termis already in control of the three objectives with spawned gaunts from the tervigon and moves the three zoanthropes towards the LRC. At this point i consided the game.


Needless to say that the play style this guy is using is extremely annoying, add to that the fact that he has problems with every piece of terrain for not being playable and it is not suprising that acording to the host of the league he will straggle to get second place even if he wins all his matches!!!


He corrently has one draw and four wins while i have four wins and two loses (he still has a game less)


If anyone has any idea of how to deal with this kind of list/playstyle i really want to have some opinions for future reference.

The fourth game was against Blood angels again.

I was facing an opponent that like me lost in the previus round but not just the previus. He play's only for fun and he is not all that of a competitive player (actually the least competitive player of the league).

I made a typical list for this game although i was tempeted to do a completly strange and funny list using non competitive units.

The list was 2 rhinos with crusaders Champion and Marshal, an LRC with termis, shooty termis and a trilas predator.

He had something like, Mephiston, 2 tactical on rhinos an assault squad with Librarian and priest Sanguinary guard with priest and 3 MM/HF speeders.

We played 1 objective each and table quarters


Turn one we simply move towards each other. Make a couple of shoots, nothing realy happens

Turn two his speeders arrive from deepstrike and one of them pops my LRC, Mephiston gets a charge on the termis but without the assault marines who failed a difficult terrain test, Mephisto dies from the termis and i consolidate. My turn the termis get to charge the sanguinary guard wipping them out while both the Champion and the Marshal with their boys take on the assault marines and the librarian.

AT the end of turn 4 he was tabled... game Won

The fifth game was against Grey knights. A fun game that ended in my second loss in the league.


I played one of my typical lists with Emperor's champion AAC

Assault terminators in LRC

Shooty termis with CML and tank hunters

A trilas predator

A vindi with POTMS

A lascannon razorback with Las plasma squad

A 2nd las plasma squad

and a rhino with squad fist,melta (champion joins here)


He played a stormraven with terminators and librarian

Henchmen in rhino with 2 monkeys troopers and the named character that makes them troop

a second rhino with henchmen this time deathcults and crusaders with a techmarine joined to give grenades and hammerhand

a vindicare assassin

and 2 TLLC dreadnoughts


We played dawn of war with 3 objectives.


First turn he moves on the board with the raven making toorbo boost

I shoot and destroy one of the dreads and then shoot the raven with whatever left and was able to see


2nd turn he moves the raven right on my face, shoots a MM on the vindi exploding it and fail to do anything else with the rest of his army.

I shoot everything i have on the raven failing a single effect.


3rd turn his termis come out of the raven, the raven blows my LRC with the MM and he charges the assault termis and shooting termis with combine assault bad move on my part :D

Ishoot the raven and finally destroy it since it didn't had cover anymore. The champion with his troop assault to assist the termis against the librarian that reffused to die with that 2++ from his staff and in the end of fourth turn he falls with only 2 assault termis, the champion and a couple other guys left from the slaughter.


Turn four his vindicare kills the guy with the lascannon from one of my squads while both henchmen units take an objective

For the next 2 turns i tryed a contest with what i had left or even get close to assault the shooty henchmen but wasn't able to change the outcome.


I believe in this game i was very unlucky or my opponent was very lucky since that stormraven should have fallen at some point earlier.

The last game i have played for the league so far was against orks.

A fun and quick game that ended in a swift and easy victory for the templars.

I played my typical list with a few changes here an there like a flamer instead of melta and things like that.

He had two Battlewagons with deffrollas packed with nobz with everything anyone can think for wargear in order to get wound allocations, 2 units off 15 lootas and a 30 man mob to stay behind and take a lot of objectives. In one wagon he had a warboss and in the other he had a big mek with force field.

Mission was kill points in table quarters.


I shoot the wagon with the Mek blowing it first turn and then blasting half his nobz with a vindi. The poor nobz lost their morale and started running.

The lootas had line off sight only to the Raider predator and vindi, they manage to immobilize the predator and shaken the vindi so no problems there.


In my second turn i blow the second wagon with the raiders MM, i shoot one of the loota squads with frags from my termis and the vindi while using the remaining lascannons to kill a nob and give one wound on the warboss. He shoots the termis with the lootas killing 2 and destroys one of my rhinos with the other units to get some kill points. He charges the raider with the Nobz and the warboss getting a few hits on 6s but he could't destroy it.


Third turn i focuse my shooting on the fewer lootas and cause them to fall back while assaulting the Nobz with the termis the champ and his troop.

The rest of the boyz fail to get in to combat due to poor terrain tests and gets charged in return.

After a few more shoots his second lootas are killed and he is tabled at turn 4.


This is were things are right now in the league with the Templars in fourth place behind the tyranids, the blood angels that i haven't played against and one of the two dark eldar. The Grey knights still have a game less and playing the tyranids next, if they win it i will have equal points and close the distance to the tyranids.


If anyone has any advise on how to defeat a tyranid opponent that uses the play style i discribed in my battle against them i would appreciate it.


Thanks for reading and coment.


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