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Fleshtearers vs. World-eaters

Sir Blayse

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Ok in a recent small tourney at our LGS I brought my JP FT's horde. ( 1000 pt, Libby, 2xPriest, 2xRAS, 5-man DC)


Round 1 Vs. Codex Marines. Tabled opponent by my turn 4.

Round 2 Vs. Orks. Opponent forfeits round, he did not have enough PK's to stand a chance.



Round 3 Vs. World-eaters. (I ended up losing this matchup in the end, but later I have discovered opponent had over 1000 pts. Possible 100 points over, but at least 30 over. Will bring this up next time I'm up there.)


In all matchups I chose to deploy in line formation as close to 12" as possible. RAS on each flank and DC in the center.

W-E's had one squad of 8 Zerkers in a rhino, Khârn and 5-8 Zerkers in a rhino, Havoc squad w/3xLC's, 1xML, 2x Obliterators, and 5 Chosen with 4x Meltas.


He also deployed close to his 12" mark with everything. Game is Annihilation.


I get the initiative and move forward. I don't go the full distance forward, keeping about 1 1/2 inches back from where I could go. Opponent moves rhino's forward 12" and pops smoke. Chosen are in reserve and do not show up. Havocs shoot into RAS and kill 3. Obilits fire Plasma Cannons into the DC and kill 2.


Turn 2. I jump RAS forward into L shape around one rhino. 2nd RAS and Libby jump to the left of other rhino and DC jumps to the right of same. First RAS fires both Melta's into rhino and score 2 pens. Opponent saves one and vehicle explodes. No RAS casaulties and 2 Zerkers bite it. DC fires point-blank with Infernus pistol and immobilizes vehicle, RAS fires and scores one stun result.


Assault- RAS assaults into Zerkers from exploded rhino, other player tries to argue that I can't assault them since I shot his rhino and not them, but is quickly informed by everyone that he is wrong. ( He tries this trick on other players and usually gets his way it seems. Mental note taken for later.) I procede to kill two Zerkers at Int 5, rolls were not great for me and opponent had good save rolls. At Int 4 he kills one . Int 1 both PF swing I get one kill and he gets 2, his WS 5 and 3 base attacks is not good for me. We stay locked into combat.


My DC assaults the rhino, but fails to kill it. I made a big mistake here, as I should of enclosed the vehicle with the RAS as well. (Vehicle was immobile, so he would of not been able to tank shock me.)


Opponents turn. Chosen still do not arrive. Khârn and Zerkers leap from the rhino. Oblits move slightly to get better angle. Zerkers and Khârn shoot into RAS and get one kill. Havocs and Oblits kill one, lucky for me. He originally declares all the Havocs to be shooting the DC, but not all could even see them at all. Oblits fail to fire, rolling one's for overheat, but make their armor saves.


Assault- Khârn and Zerkers into RAS. Khârn kills the Libby outright and doesn't even kill any of his own guys. His Zerkers kill nearly all my RAS, leaving 2 survivors on the charge. I fail to kill any with my non-PF attacks. PF attack nets me one kill against him and he finishes off my squad. Other combat continues, trading a blows, I come out slightly lower. Fail to make Ldrship, he catches. I take one more wound.


We go one more turn, but I have to fold. DC finishes off rhino, but dies to Khârn. Other RAS would of died to Zerkers, The loss of the priest and his WS 5 means the end for my chances here.



Now, I made a big mistake in not encircling the rhino to prevent him getting out, but I'm not a big fan of that strategy. It leaves a bad taste to me, but would of keep me alive for a turn. Also, even though the opponent seems to have had more points than me, it really didn't matter as much. His Chosen never made an appearance, so our actual numbers were pretty equal.


I think a Reclusiarch would of worked better than my Librarian, but cost me quite a bit more. As much I say I hate to put PW's on Priest, this is one game where I wish I would of had them.

Also, DC really forced my hand a bit in this game, since Khârn rushed up the middle, then it force them in that direction and I thought to back them up with the RAS. Of course in usual fashion I fail epically with my Meltas.


I think with a third RAS I would of just bypassed Khârn and went after his Havocs and Obliterators for the easier kills, then came back to deal with him. So lessons learned again. Otherwise, things have been pretty good when I run them though. I'm just going to stick with DC in higher point game, places where I can fit in a chaplain for rerolls.

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At 1000 points I run a 6 man DC (albeit in a Rhino) and they work wonders.


I also don't take any Priests as at 1000 points those 2 guys are 10% of your points. You could get a second Librarian (casting unleash Rage in combat or Smite just before a combat) OR you could pick up a few more DC members and sprinkle power weapons around them.


The Death Company with their WS5, 3 attacks are just begging for power weapons to assist in chopping up the enemy. Fair enough against Khârn they might not be so handy (never seen him on a table before) but against 'zerkers they would chop them up.



The problem with the DC is their Rage. As you're running a jumpy force this is more of a problem unless you can deploy them well enough that they can't see anything or can only see something worth running after.



Anyway, that must have been a great battle - Khorne Bezerkers vs the Death Company :tu:

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You did make a few mistakes (seriously, encircle that Rhino) but RAS just don't match up to 'zerkers man to man. You need your characters to even the odds or send DC against them on the charge. Either makes up the missing difference. You also don't need that many Priests. At the very least drop one of them. That will let you take another DC and a powerweapon on somebody (probably a DC guy.)


Your problem against that force is that he combines decent choppiness with nice firepower (Havocs and Obliterators.)


It is a good thing that his chosen didn't show up since I count him out to 1001 pts assuming both squads had 8 'zerkers in them. He's a cheaty little git. Please single him out for a pounding on some future date.

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I will make sure he is aware of that before the next rematch.


I'm going to be looking forward to that battle. I may drop down to only one priest and may do some changes to the DC. If in a drop pod or rhino, then I might do better with the numbers. Plus, those Obliterators or Havocs would of been decimated.

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