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Pre Heresy Blood Angels


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Hey Everyone


I'm looking to build a pre heresy version of our fine chapter for playing games of about 1850pts with.


My first question is what would of been in use by our chapter back in the heresy and also what I could put into a list of the above size that would be fun to play and still suit the Blood Angel style of warfare.


Any ideas would be very helpful brothers

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A blood angels book from the Heresy series has yet to be written (or i haven't read one yet), but all the Legions got the same stuff in a general sense. Sons of Horus to World Eaters, White Scars and Spacewolves all were written to have the same wargear. They way the Heresy was written in Mechanicum, a whole bunch of technology and lore was destroyed, and it didn't really seem to matter what it was. It's the style of the Imperium in the game. An unchanging Kingdom due to ignorance and indoctrination.


Stuff that doesn't exist back then...


Stormraven Gunship

Baal Predator (maybe?)

Death Company

Sanguinary Priests (more like apothacaries, and with corbuelo and the honor guard, still are? Your fluffy reasons to take or not take)


As far as other mentions of the Blood Angels (in Horus Rising and Fulgrim) You can model the army off of those descriptions. A group of warriors who act first, instead of taking time to judge the field (Assault troop heavy). But if you have the money, I really like the Predators. Nothing wrong with them. I think they are the coolest conversions I've seen.

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Baals were around as according to the codex the STC was discovered during the early days of the Great Crusade, the only real option you cannot take if you want to stick to the Crusade theme is the Storm Raven due to it being a recent addition to the armoury, this however is debatable given that the Grey Knights have been using it since they came out of hiding...
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the only real option you cannot take if you want to stick to the Crusade theme is the Storm Raven due to it being a recent addition to the armoury, this however is debatable given that the Grey Knights have been using it since they came out of hiding...


And the Death Company, since the entire idea of the Black Rage is centred on the death of Sanguinus.

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Assault cannons in their current form were a late/after heresy development.

Crusaders were rediscovered long after the heresy.

Twin-las Predators were developed post heresy by the wolves.

razorback were made as a stop-gap measure post heresy

Priests were, as far as I remember, given their current position during the heresy.

Overcharged engines were found during the heresy (I beleive), but only for Baals. Later reverse engineered for the other rhino based chassis post heresy.

Honour guard, Sternguard, Vanguard, Tacticals, Assault, Devastator, Tactical Terminators, Assault Terminators were all utilized during the heresy. As were Rhinos, Predator Destructors and Phobos Land Raiders.

I'm not sure about Vindicators, Whirlwinds or Redeemers.


edit: And Sanguinary Guard of course, our beloved Primarchs personal bodyguard.

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Isn't Whirlwind quite a recent addition to the space marine forces? That's why traitor legions don't have them. And isn't it the same with Vindicators? I remeber reading from CSM design notes that only the newer renegade marines use them. About redeemer though, codex entry mentions Fire Lords chapter being present when first ones were used. So I'd say post-heresy.
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Redeemers are post Heresy.


Vindicators were invented during the Heresy and quickly found widespread use on both sides - this was the original fluff from back in RT which they resurrected for the current codices, hence Chaos getting them again.


Whirlwinds are I believe stated to be post-heresy in the current smurf codex but Space Marine 1st edition (which was set during the Heresy) had them in widespread use on both sides and the Horus Heresy CCG/Artbooks have some pictures of them.

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Land speeders are also debatable. Artbook and some references have them during the heresy and the SM dex says they were discovered after the heresy.

Legions had access to baneblade type tanks and Imperial Army units were attached to the legions too. Legions likely all had access to jetbikes as well, not just the road bikes.

The deimos pattern predator by FW is a must for any 30K army.



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