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I was wondering if I could get some advice on repositioning terminaitor legs.

I wanted to achieve a look like this.



Almost to attention. I find it a solid pose and really intimidating. Could just be that image that I would say is one of the most fantastic pieces of artwork ever to come from games workshop.


Anyway where would the cuts need to be made and where would I need to use green stuff as filler. I'm guessing both knee and hip joints but how easy would this be?

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Yep cuts at both hips and knees, then pin the legs into the position you want and then resculpt the detail (which will mostly be the soft armour at the knees and hips). As to difficultly, if your confident enough to use greenstuff it shouldn't be to taxing. Might be worthwhile jumping on eBay and getting a practice legs.




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Thanks a lot guys I really appreciate it. I'm moving into a new place and no it means I won't have a great deal to spend for a while so what I do buy right now is gonna be for a project in hoping to take my time with. This pose is gonns be for my chaos wolf lord mwhahaha.
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