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Titan painting


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Having acquired a titan, it's come time to paint the beast. I think it would look in a sort of urban camo scheme to go with my Cadian 101st, which are painted in urban colors. With all the trim though (it's a Mars-pattern) I'm not entirely sure though. I did some searching but, being new to it, didn't really find much.


So, what are the different active titan legions? What are their colors? This might help me decide, though of course more opinions on what would look best, be it just camo, just heraldry, or a mix of both, are always appreciated.

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I always say my wife can find the same thing on Google much better than I ever can (seriously, I don't know how she does it). Thanks :D


Any opinions on camo vs heraldry on a Mars warhound?

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Any opinions on camo vs heraldry on a Mars warhound?


Well, imho, a titan walks the battlefield as a machine-god made manifest and one should look as replendant or as striking as possible. With that in mind, I'd advocate a bold colour scheme with distictive heraldic themes, like Legio Astorum in the Vraks books with their re-occurring star based heraldry. That's my tuppence, really, so feel free to disregard my musings. :D

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I would go with bold colors too based on what Oli said. But I don't see a lot of room for heraldry like the other kind though.


Plus if I may offer up a question: Titans are only owned by the Mechanicus right? So they aren't really owned by Space Marines or painted in their colors? Sorry for jacking the thread but I was wondering.

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Plus if I may offer up a question: Titans are only owned by the Mechanicus right?




So they aren't really owned by Space Marines or painted in their colors?


Indeed, nope. There is no official instance nor is there any fluff alluding to such situations. The only exception I know of is the Thousand Sons but that was a trophy (and it's destroyed).

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By heraldry, I mean the titan legion's heraldry. That's how most of them are painted by FW, though there is the one Lucius pattern warhound that is in the Apoc book and other spots that has a camo scheme instead. There's also this one for camo inspiration.


@Seahawk: You're posting pics here right? You know its obligatory now
Yep! If it gets approved, it's going to be my LPC vow :D
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Mars Warhound. The original owner didn't finish construction and then when for a sad sort of Fire Wasps scheme...I don't want to paint that much red and would like it to look cohesive to the rest of the army. I suppose the War Griffons look pretty good, at the moment.
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The gray camo is very boring on a big piece like that IMO. I wouldn't say go with the typical red and blue though. Maybe even something that is part camo and part dull colors. Like maybe the shoulders the grey cam and the rest some other dark color like maybe a dark green.
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One of the biggest parts of my early Warhammer 40,000 universe experience was the "Adeptus Titanicus" game from 20 years ago. The fluff has changed a bit, but what hasn't really changed is that the Titan Legions are akin to knightly households. I've picked up a lot of fluff and history along the way and I'm pretty confident in saying you need to think of them as proud warriors who want the whole world to see them and be terrified at their approach.


Just as it would be shameful to a medieval knight to hide his colors and go about unobserved, it would be an offense to the machine spirit of the Titan to be painted in a way that did not declare to all that saw it, which titan from which titan legion you were facing.


To that end, I recommend that you pick an existing Titan Legion (or come up with your own), and develop a paint scheme that is bold, visible from a distance, and that has some sort of Legion heraldry on it. The classic image of a titan from the early days had them taking to the field with kill banners hanging from their arm weapons and from between their legs. Some titans even had back banners. This has become less and less true over the years, but the dramatic paint jobs and striking colors are still the "norm" for Titans.










The princeps and crew of a titan believe their machine to be godlike and will treat it as such.

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I remember dem good ole days and would love to have banners hanging from it. Know of any printable ones?


Y'know, I image-googled "Printable titan banners 40k" and got a good variety of results but sadly nothing really worth writing about (also very few of the results were anything to do with banners, let alone titan ones). And then I dropped the word "Printable". I got this result. Does it help, Seahawk? (You might have to rummage about, mind you.)

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This is what it currently looks like:




Not bad at all, so far. I take it this is going to be stripped?



On a side note - I kinda wish mine had vulcan mega bolters. :)

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have you made sure the hip-pistons can actually reach from the "groin" part. to the "hip" parts?.. as its very radically posed in that area, and knowing a friend of mine had troubles with that when he realized the pistons limitation when building his chaos one... it would be a damn shame should you have to alter such a fine model AFTER paint
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Mars Warhound. The original owner didn't finish construction and then when for a sad sort of Fire Wasps scheme...I don't want to paint that much red and would like it to look cohesive to the rest of the army. I suppose the War Griffons look pretty good, at the moment.

I fully support your Legio choice...


As for banners - as much as I dislike the site, BoLS has a pretty good collection of printable sheets with Titan Legion banners and icons.

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I might strip it...I might just paint over it. What's on there isn't thick, so a new base coat should be sufficient. Why do you wish for vulcans? I hear they aren't that good.


Aesthetic reasons mainly. But still it's, what, 15 shots a turn, isn't it? Very good for anti-infantry roles. Also, iirc, you can engage flyers with it. :)

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Also, iirc, you can engage flyers with it. ;)


Yep, one of the few titan weapon that can and S6 is enough to threaten even a Thunderhawk.

Well, that depends on several factors, not the least of which being how much 4th Ed rules you still use in your local Apoc games.

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