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Skcuzzlebumms LPC 2012 - Harbingers Bikes


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I, Skcuzzlebumm of the Harbingers, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least 1 Captain on Bike, 1 Vulkan Hestan, 5 Assault Terminators, 16 Space Marine Bikes, 3 Attack Bikes, 5 Scouts, 3 Typhoons and a Redeemer (so my whole new army) to the very by of my abilities on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.


So as the list of models for the LPC says I am trying to get a whole new army painted up for 2012. There is a slight catch or you could say addendum to the LPC; I have to have all the above painted to a minimum gaming standard by Friday 20th January as I have entered the army into a tournament and the lists have already been submitted. So that is 10 days.... but I am away this weekend, so in fact that is 8 days left..... nothing like motivation! :lol:


After I have gotten them to the minimum gaming standard I am then going to go back and complete the models to the very best of my abilities, as for the past couple of years I have been doing a lot of commission painting which has resulted in me becoming very lax with my own personal projects. So this LPC is all about getting me to change that.


No pics today, there will be some tomorrow, but I have just finished sticking all the models together, based them and have sprayed their undercoats on.


Wish me luck....

Cheers for the words of support guys,


So 3 days on and where am I on the painting? Well the checklist now looks like this (I tweaked things slightly into job lots):



Captain on Bike

5 Assault Terminators


3 Sergeants on Bikes

6 Melta Gun Bikers

7 'Normal' Bikers

3 MM Attack Bikes

5 Scouts

3 Typhoons


So yes I have gotten the 'Normal' Bikers and Assault Terminators completed (see my rubbish pictures - sorry I am not great with a camera). I have also gotten all the Melta Gun Bikers 50% completed and they should be finished by the time I go to bed tonight. Which means so far things are on track for me to have everything except the vehicles finished by the time I go the Masters on Saturday morning. Leaving me 4 days for the 3 Typhoons and the Redeemer (which should be 2 days tops).







** for bigger pics see my blog


Again sorry for the crap quality pictures but either way if you can manage to make things out please feel free to let me know what you think. Hopefully when it is all finished I will get my mate Rob Sims to crank out is photography skills and get some more 'professional' pictures taken.


Right back to painting....

Cheers guys


So when are you moving to our dark northern forests?


I'm back over around 16th March or just after and am staying until around 21st April, so will be coming to Gothcon with you guys at GAST. Then it is back to the UK for my final exams and I move over for good mid July once I graduate. Just in time for an ETC road trip to Poland.


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