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Imperial Fist Army


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:HQ:- Librarian

:Elite:- Riffleman Dread

-Riffleman Dread

:)- Tactical squad, Missile launcher, meltagun, Plazorback

-Tactical squad, Missile launcher, Flamer, Plazorback


:FA: - Attackbike, Multi-Melta

- x2 Typhoon Speeders

- x2 Typhoon Speeders

:HS: - Dakkapred

- Dakkapred


















Hope you guys like it, its a post for upcomming tournament here in Santa Clara.


Peace out!

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Okey, Here comes som close ups! Though I'm not a photografer so dont judge the bad pictures plz! :P














there are som small details that needs to be finnished on the AC-arms on the dreadnoughts.

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Thats a very nice yellow you've got there. I really like the individual kit bashes and little conversions across the army. The army as a whole looks very cohesive. Well done dude!


Thank you! Very kind words B)

Almost the whole army is magnatised too, every weapon on speeders, dreadnoughts and predators. So it's easy for me to play different lists with this one. Tho the yellow is mostly a pain in the ass to paint. :tu:

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Whoah, these are awesome! I love the conversions and the colors go really nicely together. I hope you have plans to expand this army to 2000 points, or I will be very disappointed to see this project be finished.


Haha thanx brother!


I acctually have a lot more:




10 tactical

10 assult marines

10 assult terminators

Land Raider crusader (Converted)

Storm Raven (for playing some blood angels)

Devastators like 6-8 missiles, 4 heavy bolters and 2 lascannons



And also working on a Sternguard squad and planing some Vanguards (converted from sanguinary guards probably).


also got another dread that's gonna be painted when I get time for it.


Can put up some pics next week if I you like...

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Okey so I played two games so far pre-tournament. Just for practise.


First game was against vulcan list with melta, flamer army, some speeders, and other shooty stuff..

Went well, I had more firepower than him so I gunned him out.




The other game was against Blood angels.


Librarian terminator, shield/unleash rage

x5 terminators

x2 Vindicators

x3 assult squads x6 marines

x3 razorbax 1AC/2 Plazor

Raider Crusader


Gunned out the vindis first round and a plazorback.

Second round i only scored a weapon destroyed but third round I got back on my feet and gunned out rest of the vehicles mostly exept the raider.


by the end of round for we called the game since all i lost was a Attackbike and one autocannon on my dread.





I hope it goes well on the tournament, these two games proves the list has enough firepower to gun out marines atleast....

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