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Black Legion WIP


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Figured it was past time to get started on my LPC vow. The Undivided section of my chaos army has been unpainted for years now. Every few months, I will paint one model, and end up stripping it, being unhappy with the scheme, or just finding another scheme that I like better. About six months ago, I decided to get motivated and paint my Chaos marines, so I primed all of the models I had at the time (about 1000 points). Since then, I have expanded my Chaos, worked on other projects and generally not done anything to my now-black-primed-models. Now the LPC has given me the perfect motivation to forge ahead with my Chaos.

I, ashrog of the Chaos Ascendant subforum (Muahaha), vow on the "honour" of my Legion to paint and present at least 10 Chaos Marines, 5 Chaos Terminators and a mighty Daemon Prince on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will wreak a terrible vengeance upon the lapdogs of the false Emperor, and also provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.

Here are the before pics:




You would think that since I settled on Black Legion (for now, the powers of the Warp are ever fickle), that the black primer would be 90% of the paint job. Sadly, no. It takes me just as long to paint these guys as it does any other scheme. Mainly because of the amount of clean-up work on the black. It seems to be a magnet for other colors. Officially started working on my vow Sunday, here are the two guys I have finished since then.


One marine per day so far, not bad for me. Hopefully the rest of my pics will be outside in natural lighting, but it's raining here, so this is what I'm stuck with. Check back for updates! If I somehow manage to finish my vow before the end of January, I will double it!

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Yep, in my experience black and silver are actually quite hard to do well, harder than purple or green but easier than yellow or red, at least over a black undercoat. Looking good so far, only thing I'd recommend is adding a little spot of white in the corner of the eye lenses to look like reflected light, it tends to make the eyes appear less "flat".
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Can't wait to see your updates/progress.


When I painted some Black Legion fellas a while back I used badab black after all the detail work was done, then I sprayed Testers Gloss Varnish over everything to get a nice onyx/obsidian sheen. Sealing the models works perfect for BL models because it gives a good look in addition to protectin' them.. and it saves highlight work which, in my opinion, takes a lot away from models with black as their primary color.. Not to mention the time it saves, since you can wait to gloss as the final step.


Love the banners. What sort of symbols will be on them?

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Continued my trend of one guy per day, finished a termie:


I decided to pop the arms off the terminators before painting, both to make painting easier, and so I could switch up their weapons. What I didn't realize was that, in some cases, the glue was stronger than the plastic and ended up ripping chunks out of a couple of their torsos. Luckily, I was able to fix the damage, and I doubt it will be visible in the finished product.

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