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Method of the +OR+

Something Wycked

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And before anyone makes a mistake in interpreting what I've said, the above is not opinion. Consider it B&C policy.


Can we use RAI of the B&C's RAW? ;)





Ok guys, Ive been watching this thread and not responding because I genuinely wanted to see what everyone had to say, and I didnt want my input to bias who or how the replies came in. Five pages and about two weeks in, with several other mods and our own BT having come in I want to make some clarifications and expand on things here.


First off: this forum has always and will always be open to discussing RAW and RAI. Even when you get into the fine and delicate wording of legalese there is room for interpretation, and GWs publications are anything but that. However, those are still going to be interpretations of how the words are worded in the rules, and how that interacts with the larger system during gameplay. Why am I saying this? Because I want to make it abundantly clear that this is no different than how things ran last month.


What does this mean for you? That means that if you put up RAI argument! or some such on the top of your post people arent going to be magically prevented from posting RAW arguments against it, and vice versa. It means that we will continue to try and respect both points of veiw, knowing that sometimes we have to look at how things actually function to interpret bad wordings, and using the actual letter of the rules to ground us in how we play our games.


Secondly: House Rules have always been considered, by the moderators and by GW, to be a good way of settling things when they arent agreeable to all parties, or where the rules simply break down. While this veiw isnt always popular with the frater of this board it is and will remain the most viable option in real life. As the saying goes "ask the people you play with" is, and has to be, the bottom line. If the group you play with doesnt allow special characters then a statement from the OR isnt going to change that- we arent here to dictate policy to your group. What we can do is show reasons for how and why things work, and we will continue to do that to the best of our abilities.


Thirdly: From time to time people have posted things up in the OR as mental exercises- ie, "I know this doesnt work, but prove it to me". This is still just fine, and a good way to make sure that we continue to examine our own preconceptions with the game and make sure that we are approaching our hobby as a gentleman should- with equal consideration for ourselves and our opponents on the tabletop.




And thats really what this all comes down to- Respect. Arguments here in the Official Rules forum need to made in good faith, and personal attacks continue to need to be avoided. We are here to hammer things out as best we can in order to prevent hurt feelings and misunderstandings during the often more heated time of a game. We are here to act in a civilized manner. I expect nothing less than intelligent and thoughtful discourse, and hope that each of you strives to find out what is right, not what is personally best. If I didnt think that was more common than not I wouldnt have accepted the post as moderator here.


So lets have no confusion, as this discussion was put forth to put us all on the same page. Im leaving it open, as some of you may have more to say on this topic and I value all of your input. As it stands let us use our thoughts on this subject as basis for examining where we come from in our rules debates and look forward to many in depth, and eloquent arguments from each other in the future, shall we?

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