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IC + Slingshot through cover

Spear of Achilles

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if you think about it it will always cme down to your opponent and if he will allow it.


you cud argue saying there isn't a rule saying you cannot leave and rejoin a unit in the same turn- however your opponent cud equaly argue there isnt a rule saying they cannot pick up a hammer a smash all your models to bits. just because there isnt a rule saying you CANNOT do something doesn't mean you can.


The rules for IC joining squads state that if you are within coherency of a squad you have to be part of it (no choice) so you have to be at least 2" away for a unit not to be part of it.


so to answer your question no you cannot use this loophole to cheat your opponent. the IC would have to stay at least 2" away or he cannot use the moves through cover rule.

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and what does that rules lawyer say if your ic had a bolter and wanted to shoot something 22" away? You wouldnt be able to because he's moved. Or maybe you want to join him to a dev squad he's close enough to join, but if he has to move then the whole unit counts as moving so the whole unit cannot fire heavy weapons...
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and what does that rules lawyer say if your ic had a bolter and wanted to shoot something 22" away? You wouldnt be able to because he's moved. Or maybe you want to join him to a dev squad he's close enough to join, but if he has to move then the whole unit counts as moving so the whole unit cannot fire heavy weapons...


If an IC joins a unit that hasn't moved, the unit doesn't count as moving and the IC does. This is explicit in the rules for ICs.


If you IC has a bolter you're doing something wrong =P

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