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Logan´s Fangs


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Hiho B&C Community,

I recently started my Space Wolves Army that I call: Logan´s Fangs. It´s basicly a terminator army, with the goal to have just terminator-armoured Space Wolves leaded by Logan Grimnar himself. The only modells in powerarmour will be the bikesquad und the thunderwolves.

Totally forgot to tell you guys the army configuration:


Logan Grimnar + 7 Terminators in a Land Raider Crusader (custom built)

Runepriest Njal + 7 Terminators in a Land Raider Crusader

Wolfpriest + 7 Terminators in a Land Raider Crusader

Bjorn (Dreadnought)


8 Terminators including Arjac (don´t know what he´s called in english; that guy with the hammer and big shield) in a Land Raider crusader

10 Terminators

10 Terminators


3 (Venerable) Dreadnoughts


5 Thunderwolves (imho looking for modells, maybe bears)

10 Bikes + Trike

3 Land Speeders


3 Land Raider Crusader (the ones carrying the HQs)

The first modells I´m proudly presenting here will be the terminators, well just one of them... ;)

This is just a testmodell, and the next ones will look way cleaner und brighter. To be true I don´t like the main-grey of the armour itself, because I think the "shadowgrey" doesn´t really fit on these guys. Please excuse my bad english because it´s not my main language.

Have fun looking und please feel free to C&C.






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UPDATE Customized Logan Grimnar

Here I present you my customized Logan Grimnar. This is btw the "old" metal Logan. I took his axe years ago for a wolflord in TDA so I had to rebuilt a new axe myself. In my opinion the old one was way too small to count as an twohanded weapon , that´s why the new one got that big. Also the stormbolter-arm was missing so I replaced that one with parts from the Grey Knight Terminators (nice box btw) and a shoulderpad from Scibor.

So here he is in all his customized glory.

Feel free to C&C.



Axe detail



Has this been sprayed with old Rough Coat spray or something?


I don't know if C & C is welcome but as you have made a post I feel the need to say. Strip this model so you can actually see detail again. As it is, it's ruined. Also thin your paints down man.

Hi guys,


thanks for the C&C



Has this been sprayed with old Rough Coat spray or something?


I don't know if C & C is welcome but as you have made a post I feel the need to say. Strip this model so you can actually see detail again. As it is, it's ruined. Also thin your paints down man.



From the pictures you´re right man, it looks like all detail is gone, but it´s not. This is due to the daylight-bulp i´m using when taking pictures. It´s just black spraypaint and a little white spraypaint from another angle (45°) but far away, this also imitateds (don´t know if this is the right word :) ) a lightsource coming from above the miniature. This way I can see details and stuff better while painting. I find it hard to paint a completly black miniature, that´s why all my modells are basecoated this way.


Gotta admit, the pictures are crap but you will see the details once it is painted, trust me on this. I will try out different ways to take pictures of these basecoated guys in the future.


So everything is ok with the spraypaints i´m using (not GW), it´s just too much light involved (daylight-bulp and cameraflash) ;)




Hiho B&C,


Arjac Rockfist (don´t know if that´s the his name in english), based on Captain Lysander from the Imperial Fists. I´m still looking for a good fitting anvil for him which will be placed on top of his armour where the imperial fists insignia was. I think I´m going to sculpt one myself but if anyone has an idea just go for it. ^_^

C&C appreciated







must say I find the spraying technique intriguing - does it really show up that much better for detail painting?


also - I like the Logan convert - yes in english Arjac is the same :) and I'm not sure about the wulfen fella - maybe it's the lighting but hopefully once he's painted up he'll look great.


all in all good work - keep it up :)



Nice work on Arjac- definitely one of the better conversions i've seen of him. Also- that's going to be a huge army considering logan +7wolf guard +crusader costs around 900pts in the setup i'm personally building. Also, i seem to be basing my army on many similar ideas, so i'll be watching this as it progresses :)

Hi B&C,

thanks for the nice comments.

@DirtyDel: The wolfhands and the wulfen-head are from the wulfen-warrior box, I don´t know if these are still available for buying; (they are from the 13th companie, i guess that was in the "Eye of Terror" - campaign book, the one with the complete armylist for an 13th company-style army). It was a lot of work to cut these claws of the modells and ruined the rest of the modell almost completly. So look out for these modells, they rock. :D

Next UPDATE: assault cannons



Feel free to C&C



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