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Power of the Machine Spirit, Searchlights and Night Fighting


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You made your point Squirrel. RAW, you're right I would say. You're just rehashing information you've already said now dude. You win. No one has brought up a strong enough counter argument since you first posted that point. Just wait until someone does post a decent counter argument. You don't need to convince the whole of B and C.
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It doesn't need to. RAW specifies that a searchlight can be used against an acquired target when using night fighting rules. If you go through the process twice (once for normal weapons and once for the PotMS weapon) then the searchlight is legitimately using its searchlight as per RAW: i.e. one target each time as you said. Obviously though, it's a very clever searchlight ^_^.

But you're not going through the process twice. You're doing Step #1 once, you're just being allowed to designate two targets with that single Step.


I don't see why the number of times you go through a step matters. Do you "select a target" twice. Not do you go through step 1 twice. Do you "select a target". If you do, then you roll separately for each selected target, even if it 'happens simultaneously'.


If you don't "select a target" twice, then the nightfighting rules don't apply at all, since they *only apply* when you "select a target".


Do you only go through the process of rolling to wound once, and therefore only ever one roll to wound? Those rules to refer to a singular instance that can occur multiple times in the same phase.


You're not making any sense, here.

The shooting process is simple. It's laid out on Pg.15 of the BRB.

Step 1 is where you select a target for the unit you are shooting with. If your unit is allowed to split its fire, you still only perform step #1 once, you're just allowed to select two targets during step #1.

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You're not making any sense, here.

The shooting process is simple. It's laid out on Pg.15 of the BRB.

Step 1 is where you select a target for the unit you are shooting with. If your unit is allowed to split its fire, you still only perform step #1 once, you're just allowed to select two targets during step #1.


There's nothing in the RAW that specifies with how exactly you deal with units that can split fire.


As I asked in my earlier post, if you're splitting fire, do you perform the actions in each step twice? Or do you perform the sequence 1-5 in its entirety, twice?


It's not just about step 1.

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It doesn't need to. RAW specifies that a searchlight can be used against an acquired target when using night fighting rules. If you go through the process twice (once for normal weapons and once for the PotMS weapon) then the searchlight is legitimately using its searchlight as per RAW: i.e. one target each time as you said. Obviously though, it's a very clever searchlight :no:.

But you're not going through the process twice. You're doing Step #1 once, you're just being allowed to designate two targets with that single Step.


I don't see why the number of times you go through a step matters. Do you "select a target" twice. Not do you go through step 1 twice. Do you "select a target". If you do, then you roll separately for each selected target, even if it 'happens simultaneously'.


If you don't "select a target" twice, then the nightfighting rules don't apply at all, since they *only apply* when you "select a target".


Do you only go through the process of rolling to wound once, and therefore only ever one roll to wound? Those rules to refer to a singular instance that can occur multiple times in the same phase.


You're not making any sense, here.

The shooting process is simple. It's laid out on Pg.15 of the BRB.

Step 1 is where you select a target for the unit you are shooting with. If your unit is allowed to split its fire, you still only perform step #1 once, you're just allowed to select two targets during step #1.


I ask again, what does 'only performing' step 1 once have to do with it?


Do you or do you not "select a target" twice?

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(points above) Best post since about the first page. No new information is being provided for this rather just rehashing what has already been said in a different manner. I highly doubt you guys will come to a unanimously agreed upon verdict. At this point, one "side" will only win because the other gives up on the arguement. Why not just ask your opponent before game in the off chance this might come up.
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