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Blood Drinkers Fluff/Character & Tactics


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Im after any fluff on the Blood Drinkers like the chapters character/traits/tactics etc


Are they like the flesh eates/ flesh tearers feral and wild or more aloof and reserved like the blood angels






The Blood Drinkers strictly follow the HERALDIC rules of the codex, otherwise they follow the codex as close as the flaw will allow. Essentially they look like red ultramarines, but act like Blood Angels.

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'Course they love the assault, they are Blood Angels! They will have Baal's, Furuoso's and all our other cool units, they just use UM markings. On a scale of bloodthirsty-ness I would put them on par with BA and Angels Sanguine etc, not as much as Flesh Tearers or Flesh Eaters. If you are after crazed marines with a cool colour scheme have you checked out the Knights of Blood? Dark/gunmetal with red helm and shoulder pads.


As for Blood Drinkers I believe their Chapter Master is called Orlock, and they are 2nd founding but this seems to have been retconned in the new codex :cuss

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and they are 2nd founding but this seems to have been retconned in the new codex ^_^


Blood Drinkers and Flesh Tearers were both stated to be non-2nd Founding in Codex: Angels of Death, both have been listed on the '2nd Founding' charts since 3rd edition however those charts have always been accompanied by the footnote that they list the chapters listed in the Apocrypha of Davio - a far from infallible book not written until 1,000 years after the event. The Flesh Tearers retcon to 2nd Founding was irrefutably hammered home by their Index Astartes article however the Blood Drinkers status had* never been confirmed as such in any other source, the current codex may therefor not be a 'retcon' so much as an acknowledgement of that.


* I can't remember if Deathwatch/Rites of Battle has anything to say on the subject.

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Cheers for the responses they still prefer/ excel at assault tactics thought right?


Unsure whether to start a Blood Drinkers or Flesh Eaters army so looking for as much fluff on both as i can.


The Blood Drinkers have very little published about them. From what there is we can determine they are among the least wild or feral of the scions of Sanguinius.


Two characters have appeared in the novels; Kroff Tezla and Chapter Master Orloc. Kroff was melancholy and depressed, he had been delimbed by traitors and therefore was feeling useless. And Orloc comes across as very even tempered and analytical. After getting splattered in the face with the enemy's blood he remarks on its taste. Even a Blood Angel would have gotten a little wild at that.


IMO while the BD are fully capable of vicious assaults, it would not be the norm for them.


Official Background:



Blood Drinkers' Blogs:



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