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Soul Keepers / Mini Pic update!


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Hi All!

I have finished today my 2k point army! :)

It is a successor Blood Angels army named Soul Keeper. I have decide to do a successor chapter because I want to try out new things (painting scheme and fluff wise). And I already own an original Chapter army, Dark Angels.

The chapter fluff is under preparation actual. I hope I will finish it asap.

I hope you like it and enjoy. As always, feedback is welcome!

Here we go:


Two Librarians and one Priest


Honour Guard



2 Furioso Librarian Dreads


(This two Dreads was a commission work)


Squad No 2


Squad No 3


Transport for the two squads


Assault squad with JP



One FlamerBaal and one DakkaBaal



Two AC/LC Preds


Group Pics:






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Definetly have to say that you did a great job on the purple. Very nice, mean looking army, but only one thing is bugging me...give the books and cloth on the dreadnaughs some depth by adding gryphonne sepia or something too it. the pages are just too bleached right now. Otherwise awesome!
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I'm very glad that you guys like the paint job! That makes me very happy! :jaw:


Only nit pick is your weapons need drilling out ;) apart from that you have an amazing army

Yeah, but I don't have the right tools for that.


I love purple, but it always seems weird in Space Marine armies... But yours are magnificent! The colour is soooo smooth! Whats your recipe if you dont mind me asking? Im making my necrons purple and itd help greatly!

Well, the painting of the purple was very easy. I have used following colours:

Base colour: Hormagaunt purple

Shade: two times washed with Leviathan Purple

Main colour: Again Hormagaunt Purple thinned out with water

Highlight: A 50:50 mix Hormagaunt Purple and Bleached bone

And finally sprayed with the Anti-shine spray from Armypainter.


That's it. :)

Hope it helps.


My favorite is the Champion in the Honor Guard, just love the pose on him.

The Champ is also my favourite. Love them too! ;)


Very nice, mean looking army, but only one thing is bugging me...give the books and cloth on the dreadnaughs some depth by adding gryphonne sepia or something too it. the pages are just too bleached right now.

Hmm, well I feel the reason is that the pics a bit overexposed. In real it looks fine as it is. :)

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Exceptional work! Your paint is very crisp and your highlight lines are superb. I'm gonna have to add one more request to the pile and ask how you did your flesh tones. They're almost hyper-realistic, IMHO, especially the libbies.
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Thanks guys for the nice feedback. Makes me ´very happy that you like the staff!


Do you have any WIPs about how you made the razorback turrets.


Unfortunately not but I can tell you briefly how I have done it.

Required bits:

- Heavy Bolter from the Razorback spure

- two Plasmaguns

- a Lascannon from the IG Heavy Weapon team

- Green Stuff


At first I have cut the front form the HB's. After that I have cut the front from the PG's. Then I have cleaned the two parts with an rasp.

I have cut the front from the LC. Then I have glued the two HB's body. After try out of the clou I have used GS to fill out the gap between the HB Body and fixed the LC with GS. Then you have to wait that the GS is relatively tried out.

At least I have glued the PG's front on the HB body.


I hope it is helpful and understandable. ;)


I'm gonna have to add one more request to the pile and ask how you did your flesh tones. They're almost hyper-realistic, IMHO, especially the libbies.

Ok. I do it in different ways but the following steps I do always. I will write in brackets an example color I have used for the Champion face.

1 Base coat (Tallaran flesh)

2 Shade (one layer of Ogryn Flesh wash)

3 First layer: but do not paint the deepest areas ( a 50:50 Mix Tallaran Flesh and Dwarf Flesh)

4 Second Layer: let the paint from step 3 visible (thinned out Dwarf Flesh)

5 First Highlight; only painting the higher areas of the face( a 50:50 mix Dwarf Flesh and Bleached Bone)

6 Second Highlight: paint here only the highest ares like the tip of the nose (thinned out Bleached Bone)

7 Details: i.e. lip (include into the mix of step 5 a bit Red Gore)

That's it. :)

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Thanks guys for your nicely response! I'm glad that you like my staff. :jaw:


So what's the background on these guys?

Well, the background isn't finished yet. But the idea (try do sketch it) so far is:

- is a non Codex Astartes chapter

- organised in Brootherhoods

- fleet based

- Veterans wear black helmets to show there status

- this chapter doesn't like a pompous appearance, they prefer a smooth ones

- task is to protect “the souls of the poor men” for degeneration

- Librarians do note every lost and saved soul and check the purity of these (via telepathy)

- One symbol is the winged tear drop. These symbol stands for: They will cry for every soul which is doomed and couldn’t be rescued

- to show the “Soul Theme” the chapter colours are: Purple (Main colour) and Black coloured shoulder pads (inside)

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