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Can any chapter use a Stormraven?

Son of Iron

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Fluff-wise: Yes*.


* Based upon the fluff in C:BA that mentions that it is used by "the armies of Mankind", and the fact that relations between the Blood Angels and the Adeptus Mechanicus are...strained.



Rules-wise: No, unless you use either the Blood Angels or Grey Knights codex, or are playing Apocalypse (in which case you would use the entry from one of the two codices).

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Rules-wise: No, unless you use either the Blood Angels or Grey Knights codex, or are playing Apocalypse (in which case you would use the entry from one of the two codices).

This is, probably, the answer you were looking for. RAW is clear here; if it's not in your codex, you can't take it in your army list.

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Well, any Chapter can take Stormravens, if you use the Blood Angels or Grey Knights codexes to represent your army. I'd have no issues playing against a "Raven Guard" fast assault strike force using the BS Codex to gain access to Stormraves and Assault Marine troops.



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