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Ultramarines Army UPDATED 11/23/14

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Sorry for being able to post a tutorial as of yet... I will try soon.


@Ludovic- I will try and PM you soon with paint sequences.



Here's a few more that I managed to complete.












Brother Sgt. Steine

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@Battle-Brother Ludovic- Yeah, I could not seem to get that straightened. It was a tricky model to assemble, I had to heavily pin both arms and wrists...


Here's better angle and a shot of my Company Champion conversion...










Brother Sgt. Steine

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  • 1 month later...

Here's my scout squad... Finally got these guys all completed. Slowly but Shirley.















Brother Sgt. Steine



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I love the new Scouts you've added :lol: However, I have seen something that I'm not too keen on: your skin seems to lack depth. This may be due to the strong lighting you have, but it may also be your painting style. I'm not sure which. And I could be much mistaken :P


Anyway, looking forward to seeing more!



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Thank you brothers.


@Ludovic- The skin is rather pale, but the photos are very washed out. My camera is too old (1999 Sony Cyber shot). But honestly, I should try some heavier washes with the flesh tones.


@Fallen Artist- Thanks for the feedback. I wish I had a PC or game system that could play that game!


Brother Sgt. Steine

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished up the tank commander over the weekend. This was a gift from a chap from the UK that he included in a trade we made many years ago. I've had this model in my bits box forever. Finbally got some paint on him.






Brother Sgt. Steine

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@Ludovic- The skin is rather pale, but the photos are very washed out. My camera is too old (1999 Sony Cyber shot). But honestly, I should try some heavier washes with the flesh tones.

I'm intrigued to see how those changes will come out :)


And I quite like that model, though its age does show... What's up next?



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@Brother Ludovic- I did actually add some washes to this guy's flesh, but my camera is washing everything out. I am considering going back to a sky blue back drop or maybe even trying a white or light grey. The black back drop I am using now is messing with my camera's white balance.


What's up next? Well, I have a landspeeder prepped and blocked for priming, but my paint season is coming to a close. Once Spring hits my focus shifts to my other addiction, golf. I renetly started back working weekends at a local golf club about five minutes from my house. I am on the maintenance crew so I get to drive tractors and other machines at the crack of dawn. It's great, plus I get to golf for free. Anyway, I usually close up my workshop until Fall... So we'll see.


If I don't post for a while, look for me in September/ October!


I may also try and get a group shot of all my Ultras, they are on display at my local hobby shop.




~End vox transmission~


Brother Sgt. Steine

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  • 6 months later...

It looks like you are over exposing your photos slightly. the black backgrounds look rather too light.

*digs out still used sony cybershot*


If you use the P setting, there is an option in the menus to change the EV something. Stick a slight negative value on there, and see what happens.

Sorry I can't be a little more helpful, my battery needs charging.


Awesome models though :)

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Ask and ye shall receive Brother Ludovic!


1st Company Ultramarine Captain. I finished him up last night.


The exposure seems a bit better on this one...








Courage and Honor Brothers!




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Brother-Sgt. Steine


Your army is looking aces all round, but this face screams Mission Impossible mask.





That's because he's obviously an Alpha Marine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Completed these three last night... I love working with metal sculpts like these.















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