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Necron Killing BA's !


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Hi everyone . . this is my first proper post, as I have been sitting reading as much as I can . . still confused (Im allowed at 50!!) and just starting out . .


Reason . . A weekend DAD trying to get an interest with my son and Kicking said son's (necron butt) who is 15 and full of himself, time to take him down a peg or two


Hopefully this is where you guys (in the know) can help me out


Decided after advice from the local games workshop that I like Devistators (I realise not overly popular on here, but apparently good for Necron sorting) and I have bought the models (prior to coming on here) so I'm now commited to using them and have to be Blood Angels . . No blue paint for me thanks!! (car sprayers at work with thinned red paint, air brushes and bake oven at the ready) so should get a nice coat of colour to then detail at home


Minis so far that I have built and would like to use !!!

. . 8x plasma cannon 2x serg storm bolter / pistol / desig

4x lascannon 1 serg storm bolter / pistol / desig

sternguard . Hb Hb serg with bolter and pistol

sternguard . Ml MM serg with bolter and pistol


other models built but not sure which i want / best to use

2x 10 tac squads . . ML FL serg no weapons on yet

1x 10 assault squad . . weapons not chosen yet

6x assault term 3 with claws 3 hammer and shields

5x term storm bolter fists and 1 heavy bolter

1x libby term storm bolter and p wep

1x chaplain term

1x chaplain j pack


Over to you guys . . I think 1500 pts to start with (he wont want to go smaller) some help please in choosing what units / weapons / other units / hq worth buying / NO TANKS for now!! and as much luck as your able to send (he's a good player :-( ) thanks in advance for any help!!

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My experience against Necrons says that outshooting them will likley fail. BA are fast and you need to use that to fight them where you want to. I find Jump packs deepstriking on Necrons very effective.

Thanks for your reply

Have to say I do want a jumpy army . but to go with the devs and stern . . so with that in mind what do I need unit/ weapon/ HQ wise to go in that direction?

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well, if you do want to go for devastators/ sternguard, have units of 5 devastators w/4 missile launchers, in cover. Sternguard, go for 5 men with 2 lascannons as a long range unit. Combine those two, plus a sanguinary priest or two for FNP you should be alright. Usually HQ choice is a Librarian. Seeing as you want a shooting army, go for a libby with blood lance and shield of sanguinius.

Also a 10 man assault squad should keep the pressure on the enemy.

That being said, with infantry, if your opponent has a couple of doomsday arks, the large blasts he'll be throwing at you will cause some havoc. closing the range and assaulting them is better.


I can write you a list with what you have...it won't be ideal, but should be useable being a friendly-ish game....though the other members will have me stoned!


Librarian, terminator armour, wings of sanguinius, shield of sanguinius-125p- the wings so he can fly and join the assault marines!



Sanguinary priest(use a chaplain!), jp-75p

5 Assault terminators-200p (as many stormshields/thunderhammers you have !)

5 sternguard-2x lascannons-155p



10 Assault marines, 2x meltaguns, powerfist-235p (ideal build)

10 tactical marines-ML, flamer-170p

10 tactical marines-ML,flamer-170p


Hvy Support

5 devastators-4 ML-130p

5 devastators-4 ML-130p

5 devastators-2 ML-110p


You should put the devs, sternguard in cover, push the assault marines and termies at the enemy, and either use the tacticals to take objectives or shoot. Of course, it is much better to take more assault marines, especially against necrons, but seeing as you have mainly tacticals, use them and see how you go. Oh, and don't deepstrike the terminators !. Deploy on the board and run with them !

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(car sprayers at work with thinned red paint, air brushes and bake oven at the ready) so should get a nice coat of colour to then detail at home


Just make sure that the spray paint is not cellulose based, or regular GW paint wont stick, and be careful in the ovens, you don't want to melt the models.


Other than that, the most reliable way to beat necrons is in combat, although depending on what your son uses, they may be hard to pin down. Other than scarabs, they also have generally poor long range anti tank.


Whatever you do, dont post your sons army here, as you dont want to tailor your army to specifically beat his. Instead, make a decent "all comers" army from what you have.


So, the challenge is to build a 1500 list with the following models you want.

8x plasma cannon 2x serg storm bolter / pistol / desig

4x lascannon 1 serg storm bolter / pistol / desig

sternguard . Hb Hb serg with bolter and pistol

sternguard . Ml MM serg with bolter and pistol


other models built but not sure which i want / best to use

2x 10 tac squads . . ML FL serg no weapons on yet

1x 10 assault squad . . weapons not chosen yet

6x assault term 3 with claws 3 hammer and shields

5x term storm bolter fists and 1 heavy bolter

1x libby term storm bolter and p wep

1x chaplain term

1x chaplain j pack


Starting with he compulsory models:


Well, 5 sternguard with 2 heavy bolters seems a reasonable place to start. Kraken bolts are ap4 and 30" which gels nicely with the heavy bolters - the ap4 needed to murder warriors. (145pts) Missile launchers and multimeltas dont gel too well with sternies, so we wont use them for now.


Put the mm into a tactical unit instead with a flamer, and a power weapon to deal with necrons if you get into combat. The fist isnt too useful vs necrons as you cannot instant death their characters, and regular dudes dont have mixed profiles, so each pwep kill is a model dead.


Id say for 1500pts, you need 3 troop choices, so this takes up both tacticals and assault marines, so in they go, power weapons on the serges again to deal with combat. Meltas on the assault marines so they can deal with everything, flamers arent too useful as you dont want to kill too many before moving in.


Now we have a solid shooting base with some assault elements. Necrons love to get within 24", so getting into a firefight with them there may not be too good. use the sternies to engage them at 30". To aid in the killing, we'll take some devs, who are a good deal for Blood Angels. I'm a massive fan of the destructive power of the plasma cannon, so in go 5 devs with 4x plasma cannon. This has the potential to mulch through any unit the necrons can put out there. Now, some anti tank. Those 4x lascannon devs look tasty, but it is unwise to put all the anti tank eggs in one basket, so using a tactical missile launcher, the sternie missile launcher, we take 5 men with 2xlas, 2x ml. For additional anti light tank and not taking away from the anti infantry role, we have some sternies left over, and some plasmacannons - lets throw them in. They can deal with armour ignoring shots on the crons, and deal with tanks as neccessary.


Now we need a HQ. The assault squad on its own will not do much good, so break out the jump chaplain, reclusiarch with jump pack.


Now, you can either go with the models you want in the list, or add some termies and jiggle them around a little. Lets jam in the rest of the models you want:

5 more devs, 2 lascannon and 2 plasma cannons.


This puts somewhat over. so lets jiggle. Swap the Lascannon in the in one dev sqaud for the ml in the tactical squad, saving 15pts, then drop a plasma cannon from the sternguard and 4x plasma dev squad


The List


155 Reclusiarch, jump pack


145 5 Sternguard, 2 heavy bolters

140 5 sternguard plasmacannon


185 10 Tac marines, flamer, multimelta, power weapon

195 10 Tac marines, flamer, lascannon, power weapon

225 10 Assault marines, 2xmelta power weapon


135 5 dev marines, 3x plasma cannon

145 5 dev marines, 1 lascannon, 3 missile launcher.

170 5 Dev marines, 2 lascannon, 2 plasmacannon


Total 1495


You have a very shooty BA army, which would benefit from sanguinary priests to give the devs feel no pain. Corbulo would work well, sacrifice a dev/stern squad to get 2 priests, one with jump pack and power weapon, one without (140pts)

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The GW staff told you to take Dev's vs Necrons? They're about as much use as the Necron Tactica in this month's White Dwarf! Maybe take the lascannons to help pop the AV13 vehicles but I'd suggest leaving the rest at home and going with a more "In your face" style army. Necrons crumble in assault so you really want to be getting in amongst them asap.
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50? Mad respect! LOL for having a go at warhammer? or

because I go surfing, snow boarding, MTb'ing, without my son but he will have a go at bmx with me, and will only come camping in the VW surf bus (T4 . . Play!!!) if its really really good weather and enjoys getting a go on my long board (skateboard) but not down hill or wearing sliders :D


May the blessings of The Sanguinor find you in your hour of need :lol:



Ha cheers . .


Thanks guys for the reply's I will be working something out from the lists / advice given . . all the termies are now on ebay, along with librarian and termie chaplain . so scratch those . . .


1 x 10 and 3 x 5 assault squads have been bid on, so hopefully will have those in a couple days, a dante, spare melta's on thier way from USA !!! some spare bolter arms / chain swords (left and right hand), power fists, bolt pistol arms (left and right hands) . . . how does that lot sound?


liking your list Xenith . . see what you can do with the above ^_^ . . . oh oven set just right and it will be GW blood red paint

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Erk, why are you ebaying the termies? They will come in useful for sure for making other lists!


If you gave people free reign on the models to use, the termies would have likely been one of the first on the list!


More assault marines is good, though. Get some priests.

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Well, the last game I played against the new crons (first game as well) I was beaten, mainly because he keyed his army to beating BA.


Several reasons, they can steal USR's, give themselves higher initiative (attack first, also equip power weapons), if the mission is, its difficult as they keep low troops and high elites/HQs.


I would suggest you actually need a decent shooty element, vindys would do well, or flanking Baal preds.


If he knows hes fighting BA, CC will be difficult, a couple of DPs with Sternguard will help.



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Played against crons today.


mephy took out 4 squads of 10 warriors, each with a cryptek.

(poor guys stayed in combat for one turn every round, before mephy broke them in their turn, allowing me to jump around willy nilly taking out all the scoring units!)


Morale of the story, Mephy is quite nice vs. Crons.

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My daughters played their first game (at the FLGS) versus necrons this week.

They barely pulled off the win, contesting one objective with a Baal, and taking one with their only remaining scoring marine.


The heroes of said game would be the Death Company with Reclusiarch (though a elite chaplain would have been sufficient)

These guys wiped out two squads of warriors with crypteks, and finished off a big squad of those necron jumptroops (can't remember what they're called)

And most of this was accomplished while moving through cover.


Of course, the key to this was delivering them via a transport (although they didn't get back in) but that kind of goes against your 'no tanks' bias.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Victory :D



Now I have the bug . . Ive been shopping . . £98 on ebay . . . . at shop prices? approx £284 mainly sprues (parts) combat units x 4 made up using parts into 10 sternguard . . 5 death company . . other 5 used to make other heavy weapon choices for sternguard.

new codex . plus release issue white dwarf

death company . new on sprue

2x 10 assault squads

Scouts squad . new on spue




2001 Codex (just for collectability)

should keep me going until next month!!! :woot:

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Son list using my Blood Angels . . . tried it once so far, against a marine army which it kicked butt out of. what do you guys think?

:woot: the sanguinor 275pts


commander dante /w 530pts

honour guard

1 honour guard /w chapter banner / LC

sanguinary novitiate

1 honour guard /PW / SS

1 honour guard / PG

1 honour guard /MG


:D 10 death company 570pts

1 / PW / IP

1 / PW / IP


lamartes gaurdian of the lost


death company dreadnought 125 pts


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assuming I am reading the list correctly, the Sanguinary Novitiate is illegally armed. He can not take upgrades like storm shields or power weapons.


Also, strom shield and power weapon is not a good combo on the tabletop. Lightning claw is better with storm shield so you get a bonus for the same cost.


Also, the plasmagun seems out of place in the HG. A unit that wants to charge doesn't want rapid fire weapons like that.

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assuming I am reading the list correctly, the Sanguinary Novitiate is illegally armed. He can not take upgrades like storm shields or power weapons.


Also, strom shield and power weapon is not a good combo on the tabletop. Lightning claw is better with storm shield so you get a bonus for the same cost.


Also, the plasmagun seems out of place in the HG. A unit that wants to charge doesn't want rapid fire weapons like that.


Thanks for the advice I shall pass it on . . B)

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Hey t4play! I think it's really cool what your doing and that you've got the bug. I read your post and just had to reply. I'm a proud parent myself, with a daughter, but I do have a son on the way, so if I start painting now, he might end up with an army on his 15th birthday if he's lucky. As a hobby, I think it's quite educational compared to others. I'm pretty new to B 'nd C, myself and a friend recently got back into the game. He's mid 40s with Necrons, IG and DE, I'm mid 30s with BA, GK and SW. We have had some great BA vs Necron battles and it's all going swimmingly for the Emperor's finest so far.


All the advice given here is pretty solid to my eyes. Cc really is your friend and if you try to make sure you wipe out enemy squads in your opponent's turn your pretty much on to a winner. If not use consolidation moves wisely and always plan ahead. Though we don't all have it our own way, the Necron's do have some nasty tricks to put a spanner in the works. For example, a pair of deep striking Monoliths, the particle whips and eternity gates are a nightmare. Especially in the games where you're both defending an objective, when half his army defending teleports onto your objective and a lot of your guys get sucked through his portal of exile. I find mm attack bikes very handy for this and once they are done they can zoom up field and get stuck in. Watch out for the C'tan, especially with the worldscape power combined with tremorstaves that pairing makes movement very dangerous. It's usually worth parachuting in a suicide unit to take out at least one of that pairing. Astorath can be handy, his axe can be useful against those pesky invulnerable saves and the extra pip of strength he can give to more of your units can be very useful. He's such a cool model too.


Well, that's just a few thoughts from the top of my head and my 2ps worth. I hope you guys have as much fun as we are, am sure you will.

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