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True blue.

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Just a quick painting question. How do you guys go around achieving that lovely rich blue colour of power armour?

I know there will be hundreds of 'how to's' on google but I prefer hearing an individuals own personal technics and little cheats if they have any lol.


It's only for a single sorcerer for the chaos space wolf army I have planed do I hope to spend some time on him.

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I started at regal blue, on a black basecoat. Then I just added increasingly more ammounts of white into it, making sure to keep layers thin (to avoid messy and fugly color).


This is my dread, but the marines have the same blue color.




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That's a nice technique son with a great finish. Almost has a water look to it.

Think I might be looking for something Maybe a tad darker to contrast with the light skin tone and blood ruins.


I'm not an ultra competitive player so I'm not to concerned if he dies at some point, the more flamboyant the better i say lol hopefully he goes out like a giant power armoured version of liberace. Miscast and disappear in a puff of pink stage smoke. I'll be happy of he manages to cause a few imperials to come Down with a severe case of exploding face syndrome.

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That's a nice technique son with a great finish. Almost has a water look to it.

Think I might be looking for something Maybe a tad darker to contrast with the light skin tone and blood ruins.


Well, just dont add as much white :eek


Note however that that dread is a Tzeentch one, not a Thousand Son. (I mixed the colors of pre-heresy with post-heresy simply beause it made them look better. But that also made them non-TS per automatic, since i have the "wrong" colors. I have a "pure" army of TS and one with more options used (the red/blue one). Sometimes they fight together, sometimes they fight on their own.)

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I went with a white primer, then followed up with a dry-brush of Regal Blue, then Enchanted Blue and finally a light black wash and a light blue wash. Might seem like a bunch but it turned out very nice, will post pics later.
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I went with Necron Abyss as a base colour for the armour then I pick out most of the armour in Enchanted Blue leaving the recesses untouched and then I wash the whole lot with Blue Wash. It's quick and effective and leaves a very nice rich colour scheme. Contrasts really well with the gold trim. They're not great and they look more decent just with the naked eye. Also these 3 ain't finished obviously but that's how the blue looks. Maybe less bright cos the flash illuminated them lots more. The red cloak isn't actually that bright IRL for example.


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I have tried with a quite a few, though the latest one wich is the one I am most happy with is start on a white basecoat, regal blue and then enchanted blue with a black wash, though I am experimenting with which colours for highlighting it so, any experience on that is appreciated.
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My Thousand Sons are painted in a really simple and quick way for the blue. So easy it shames me...


This is a mordian blue (foundation paint) basecoat/drybrush. Not really a drybrush, but using an old, large tankbrush to liberally paint the blue everywhere

Then a drybrush of Ice blue

Then a wash of Asurmyen blue

then again a drybrush of ice blue. Done.

The other blue guy I recently painted is this guy:


This is ultramarine blue, highlighted in successive, watery layers with ultramarine blue and a per layer increasing amount of space wolf grey.

Any shading that had to be done is with regal blue, such as the 'battle damage' on his shoulder pad and elbow guard

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