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Your Favorite Blood Angels quotes


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So what's your favorite mention of the Blood Angels, be it a quote, an entry, paragraph, etc. Nothing too long.


My favorite is Lemartes' sermon on the Cult of Sanguinius in the back of the 3e codex.

I'll just include an annotated version, as it's a bit lengthy otherwise.


"And so it was that they fought - the Angel and the Beast. Titanic must have been that struggle, between those two gods amongst men. Long must they have rained blows upon one another, until it seemed that the life of the universe itself hung in the balance...Yet, Sanguinius was bested...Even as the blade of death waited to strike him, Sanguinius would not turn from the path of Light. Thus it was that Sanguinius passed from this world. He who was everything a man should be was taken from us by the Darkness. A thousand times a thousand years of lamenting will never atone for our loss.

When the armor of your faith is buckled and torn, see in your mind that magnificent hero. Think upon his deeds and be humble, for his like will never walk the galaxy again."

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The motto of the Blood Angels 10th Company:


"Be bloody, bold and resolute"




That, and pretty much anything Dante says:


"For eleven hundred years, I have fought and I have seen the darkness in our galaxy. I have seen the vileness of the alien and the heresy of the mutant. I have witnessed the sin of possession. I have seen all the evil that the galaxy harbours, and I have slain all whose presence defiles the Emperor. I have seen what you will see. I have fought what you must fight, and I have slain what you must slay... so fear not and be proud, for we are the sons of Sanguinius, the protectors of Mankind. Aye, we are indeed the Angels of Death."

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The Blood Angels have, without a doubt, the very best Chapter fluff in the Imperium. We aren't all lame and disgusted with our bodies to the point of hacking bits off to be replaced by cybernetics, nor are we all goody-goody blue funboys with no real fluff short of, "Uhhhh... we got our asses handed to us by the 'nids." We aren't scouring the galaxy, searching for our brothers who turned to the dark side and might out us while living in a floating rock because we blew our own homeworld up. We aren't self flagellators in yellow armor, we aren't all albino with schtoopid mutant weirdos, we don't have lame claws growing out of our forearms, and we do not enjoy chowing down on a steaming bowl of dog food just before licking our balls and rolling over for a nap.

We are among the oldest lived space marines. We are possibly the only ones who appreciate, and create art. We have a true hero Primarch that died in the service of the Emperor. Our Primarch didn't have canines, he didn't have pallid skin, or one freaky eye; he had wings! He had precognition without dabbling in the chaos arts. The Blood Angels are proud, yet not self-important. They fight as well as any marine, yet at the same time hold themselves back to keep from falling into the abyss of the Rage. I could go on, but I'd be speaking to the converted...


The popularity of marine armies waxes and wanes as GW focuses their baleful eye on each one. While our rules may suffer in light of the current armies, there will always be a core cadre of players who play them because they are just so dang bitchen' regardless of the rules.


Oh, I almost forgot... the Blood Angels are red. Not some fairy lame color like blue or yellow. Not presumptuous goth black, or goth-lite gray. Not green (I mean, green?) or white (coming up with a primary color was too difficult for them). They are red; the color of blood, violence, and Taiwanese hooker lipstick. In other words, the color of why it's good to be a marine!

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QUOTE (Angels of Death pg.21)

"There is a mystical streak to many of the Blood Angels' doctrines and also a strong belief that things can be changed for the better. After all, the process of transforming a scavenger into a tall, proud and handsome warrior is living proof of this tenet."


(As per my sig)

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The codex has some nice quotes, but there a couple that I like which can be found in other books.


The bonds of blood transcend all others.

But no blood runs stronger than that of Sanguinius

(read it in one of the James Swallow books)


Only when your hearts have beat to the same pulse of clashing weapons as your enemy’s, only when his blood anoints you, and only you glimpse the blackness waiting for us all in his eyes – only then have you known battle.

Brother-Captain Furio of the Blood Angels – Deathwatch Corerulebook p. 153

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I've always liked "For the Emperor and Sanguinius! Death! DEATH!" a badass warcry that kicks straight to the nuts.


This would be my favourite quote as well. The story about Veteran Sergeant Adeon's assault on Stryia V is one of my favourites from the old codex. It's perfect because you can really see the struggle every Blood Angel has to fight within, while being confronted with enemies on the outside.


Then, there is my other favourite quote, pg. 7 3rd Edition 'dex, written on the tomb of heros on Baal Secundus:


Drink deep from the chalice of victory and remember the fallen. This is my translation into English, as I don't have the English codex. :D



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"How do I prove my allegiance? I have trodden the blood-choked dust of ten thousand worlds and there delivered the souls of countless millions into oblivions embrace. What other devotion could I make to prove my dedication?"

-Captain Phaeton, Blood Angels 7th Company

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I've always liked "For the Emperor and Sanguinius! Death! DEATH!" a badass warcry that kicks straight to the nuts.


This would be my favourite quote as well. The story about Veteran Sergeant Adeon's assault on Stryia V is one of my favourites from the old codex. It's perfect because you can really see the struggle every Blood Angel has to fight within, while being confronted with enemies on the outside.


Yeah, I know what you mean. That little story is definitely one of my favourite pieces of BA fluff of all time. I feel it summarizes perfectly what it is to be a Blood Angel.

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One of my favorites in all of 40K.. symbolizing what Blood Angels stand for in all its glory:


Pg.18, Codex, Zorael's Last Stand


"In such dire circumstances, lesser warriors could perhaps have ceded all hope, yet these were Space Marines of the Blood Angels Chapter, the sons of honoured Sanguinius. Their forebears have fought beside the Emperor in the very blackest of days, and that memory was not theirs to dishonour".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Waiting on that novel, sounds like a great story.


I completely forgot about this one from the HH, saw it in someone's sig. Horus saying who should have been Warmaster. Awesome.

“Sanguinius. It should have been him. He has the vision and strength to carry us to victory, and the wisdom to rule once victory is won. For all his aloof coolness, he alone has the Emperor's soul in his blood. Each of us carries part of our father within us, whether it is his hunger for battle, his psychic talent or his determination to succeed. Sanguinius holds it all. It should have been his...”

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