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Looking for some help


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Hello all,


I've come to you as I have recently decided to start a Slaaneshi Space Marine army. The reasons for these are: large scope for both conversions and sculpting (which was a major factor in the selection of this army over all the other 40k ones), large scope of colour schemes and cool "feel".


So, what I need is ideas for colour schemes. I wouldn't mind going with the usual pink & black scheme, but I was wondering if there were other schemes used out there that you may know of? If so, then please post below (preferably with pictures)! ;)





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well back in the days the fluff about NM was that each one of them is painted/looks different and that each one of them thinks that he is the closest to perfection . But of course that doesnt make a good looking army[or more precise it is realy hard to pull off] . I would go with something not offten use marble armor with gold trims , neon blue armor with silver , inversion of colors[most metalic only details are in color paint] . Should make the army looks different and nice .
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I have to agree with Jeske that alternating the color scheme or color placement for each member is a nice way to make them unique while still having a sense of unity to the army.


I've always been a fan of the bone/off white color, I don't see many armies using that.

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Thank you all for your suggestions ;)


I have looked through the links and read your replies, but I'm still not sure. I'll be using black I think, but I can't decide which second colour I should use. Maybe bone?



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I know that many people are against using the colours that GW says that the Emperor's children use, but they can be awesome if done correctly. So I say go with your gut feeling and make them pink and black. As you can see in the link, Pink Emperor's Children, a Chaos marine in almost full pink armour can look sinister and bitter. No it is not my model.



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I've been using a black base with heavy pink on the helms shoulders gloves and boots, then doing alternating purple knee pads/ elboe pads with touches of gold and daemonette hide on fleshy bits. So effectively black/pink/purple/gold/daemonette hide.


They aren't worthy to show off and i like to use weird colors like scorpion green or enchanted blue on wires. But the ar,y looks coherent at a distance and sort of :) up close.

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