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Furniture's LPC 2012 WIP Log


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I, Battle Brother Furniture of the Index Astartes and the Imperial Fists, vow on the honor of my Chapter to paint and present at least 15 Imperial Fists Tactical Marines on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.


I have made a modest vow to paint up at least 15 Imperial Fists Tactical Marines, which will bring my new army up to 500 points. I currently have already started the army, but have only managed to paint 5 tactical marines and a Chaplain so far. Painting these next 15 marines will give me an HQ and two tactical squad Troops choices.


Here are some pics of the already completed tac Marines and Chaplain so you know what standards to expect (don't let me take shortcuts or drop standards to get this done quicker!):






I will post pictures of the process periodically as I make progress, from priming up to the final highlighting and decals. This weekend I will build and prime the first five for the oath (1 Sergeant, 2 w/ Bolters, 1 w/ Flamer, and 1 Missile Launcher) and these will be included in my next update post. They will complete the tactical squad in the above picture. I will start painting next week hopefully. For Dorn and the Emperor, I will fulfill my vow! Even if there is no time, time will be made for the honor of my Chapter!



Current Vow Status:

0/15 Marines complete

15/15 In progress

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Thanks guys! I'll put up a progress report. So I built and primed the first five (I actually had started that process a few days ago), and after the primer was dry, I started to paint the basic colors before I fell asleep. Please excuse my embarrassingly messy work area. It's controlled Chaos, I assure you.




Next step is to get all of these guys painted up with their base colors, mass production style to speed it up since I paint like a snail. Then I will take care and finish each one individually, which will take longer. As you can see, I fall into the "start painting while partially assembled" camp. The very last step in the painting process will be to glue on the pack and guns.

Thanks guys. Progress will be slow, but by Dorn, I will stubbornly keep at it until the objective is taken!



love the chaplain, excellent work!
Good luck with the vow!

The completed marines are very well done indeed, particularly - as BlackBabyJesus said - the chaplain. The bone is fantastic.

Thank you. Actually the Chaplain was the one I was most worried about because I was not confident attempting an HQ so early in the army's build up, and the bone parts were the ones that worried me the most. It's not perfect, but I learned a lot painting him. Those lessons will serve me well when I paint my jump pack Chaplain down the road.



Looking good the 5th company Imperial Fist's must be the most overpopulated in the whole of the space marine chapter's.

I guess that disproves the guys who think that yellow armored Chapters don't sell. The Fists are actually quite popular in certain communities. I've never met another Imperial Fist player in real life, but I've met a lot of people who are interested in them.

Thanks guys. Progress will be slow, but by Dorn, I will stubbornly keep at it until the objective is taken!



love the chaplain, excellent work!
Good luck with the vow!

The completed marines are very well done indeed, particularly - as BlackBabyJesus said - the chaplain. The bone is fantastic.

Thank you. Actually the Chaplain was the one I was most worried about because I was not confident attempting an HQ so early in the army's build up, and the bone parts were the ones that worried me the most. It's not perfect, but I learned a lot painting him. Those lessons will serve me well when I paint my jump pack Chaplain down the road.



Looking good the 5th company Imperial Fist's must be the most overpopulated in the whole of the space marine chapter's.

I guess that disproves the guys who think that yellow armored Chapters don't sell. The Fists are actually quite popular in certain communities. I've never met another Imperial Fist player in real life, but I've met a lot of people who are interested in them.


And there was much rejoicing


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