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Legio Bolter & Chainsword Team and Transport

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Dear B&C.


Long time no see!


Some of you old geezers on here my recognize my name. For those who do not, my name is Johan and I used to be a Mod here a looong time ago.

Other interests and hobbies took over though and my dear Space Marines where put way in storage. Three moves, a new city, new jobs, a wife and a son later (yea, I think I grew up at some point) I went through some old boxes the other day and behold, there they were; the Adeptus Astartes, Inquisitor and a :cuss load of bitz and unfinished models!

Needless to say I had an evening of extreme nostalgia and remembrance of ''the good old times''.


At the end of my time here there was a modeling and painting competition featuring the then newly created Legio Bolter & CHainsword. The model I submitted (see images below) inspired me to build not only a six man squad but also a brand new transport for the guys. I do not believe I have ever taken or posted pics of this before so here it goes.


Without further ado, I hereby present for your viewing pleasure the Saint Class Gunship aka ''Baby Thunderhawk''!


Inspiration for this model was the Republic Gunship from Star Wars E1 and the russian MI-24 Hind. (Also inspired the SW Gunship if I'm not misstaken)

Note the ladder leading up to the cockpit.



A lot, if not most, of the stuff on and in the Saint Class was taken from the Landraider sprues and built around a frame of plasticard.

Propulsion consists of anti grav engins under the hull and two RAM jet/rocket engine combos mounted under the wings. During atmospherical drops and reentry, a field generator protects the Gunship from the heat involved.


Armament includes: TL Lascannons mounted in the nose complete with targeting matrix.



TL Heavy Bolters as well as Hunter Killer missiles are underslung both ''wings''.



All three hatches are functional. There are one on each side of the hull....



... and one split ramp in the rear. They open to reveal a detailed interior featuring combatseating for six, fully equipped Astartes warriors.



Also the interior features a combat management and communications array in the front.



Note the red night light in the sealing and the racked, magazinless bolter.

I did make some very cool looking hydraulics to hold the hatches open but they are lost to time I think.



Search light.



Fully detailed cockpit. Does not open and the canopy have ''fogged up'' during storage so the pilot is hard to see.



I remember this project as intense, pretty hard and very rewarding. I belive using the Vehical Design rules back the in 3rd Ed this Fast Skimmer with armour 12/12/10 came in at around 250+ points. I never used it in a game though...

Below is a pic of the original drawing I used for this project. Note that initially there was plans for a co-pilot in a tandem configuration but due to size restraints and the fact that an Astartes Pilot is a highly capable individual, I settled on just one. Most of the angels and measurements where dictated by the decision to use Landraider side armour as a base.



Of course, a bad ass dropship is only ever as cool as the guys riding in it! The six man team wreaking havoc deep behind enemy lines is composed as follows.


The Lieutenant


Note: Bolter/Melta combi and detailed combat gloves to set him apart from the rest of the team. The Powerweapon and bare head helps too. =))

He is the team leader, tactcis expert and reports directly to The Master. (Inquisitor Georgius Heine in this case)




The Sergeant


Note: This is the model I submitted for the painting comp I mentioned earlier. He is heavily influenced by =I= model Artemis. Notice the inquisitorial I on his chestplate and antenna on his powerpack. Armed with Bolter & Chainsword.

He is the second in command, communications and CQB expert.





More to come...

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The Sniper


Note: Detail of the shoulder guard, targeting retina on the helmet, long barreled, enhanced accuracy Bolter with bipod and Sniper specific optics. Pistol and chainsword are for up close and personal business!

Sniper- and infiltration expert.




The Support


Note: Modified Heavy Bolter with higher rate of fire and compensated so it can be fired on the move to support this highly mobile unit.

Weapons and demolitions expert.




The Troopers


Note: These are Marines that have yet to acquire any special skill other then those required to join the Legio. They provide a solid firebase and much needed muscle for the unit.



The Pilot


Here is an interesting model. I made this so the pilot could eject and fight with the team in case his much loved vehicle did not make it. As you can see he is well equipped and armed even when not in the cockpit. The case or bag contains ammo and powercells for his armour as he does not have a powerpack. He is equipped fight effectivelyfor tree standard days.

His shoulderguards are also slim so he is able to fit in the confines of the cockpit. The bolter is designed to be as compact as possible and magclamped to the thigh it is an essential part of his survival gear.

Also note his leather flight harness and the wires and tubing on his back allowing him to interact with his craft using MIU technology.






Ready for action!



You see this, it will likely be the last. =D



That's all for now I think. I you have any questions or comments I'd love to hear them. Thanks for looking!


// J

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This should be GW's February release!

One of the things I dislike about the Stormraven is that Marines are supposed to be a surgical tool, and you don't get surgical multi-function penknives. SMs should have a flying gunship OR a flying squad transport OR a flying Dreadnaught dropship, not one to do all 3.


I would love to see a combat squad Venom for Tacs/Vets/Command, capacity 6; Scouts have one in the Landspeeder Storm.


If I were to change one thing, I would have TL bolters instead of Heavy bolters, as with this edition a fast vehicle like this could move 12", dump contents, and still fire Las and Str4 bolters; to fire Heavy Bolters it could only move 6", counter-intuitive for a fast transport.


What other rules were relevant in the edition you built this under, out of interest? I have only played 5th edition. You mention something about vertical; what else was there?


Great models, #Like#

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