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World Eaters


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Yeah, my camera doesn't like to do close ups but that's ok they are very sloppy at this point as I speed paint and then do clean up with base coat and black at the end.


The bulk my bezerkers are from 4th ed. kits. I do have about a dozen 2nd ed. guys, metal and plastic mix, in the force. Four of them are in this batch I'm painting for the LPC. You can spot them by the very static poses.

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Ooh, I love seeing some Chaos stuff. Getting started is always the hardest part of painting a mini in my personal experience, and you've started them all! Good luck on your vow!


And are those some textured bases I see? Or are my eyes or the Ruinous Powers decieving me?

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Furniture, I did go with textured bases. These ones are the result of a failed atempt to do lava so they willl be stone of some variety, I'm leaning towards greyish to contrast against the armor.


I will add a photo of an older atempt at lava basing that I was somewhat pleased with but not near worth the time put into it especially considering I have about fifty bezerkers to paint up for the army when all is said and done. Only doing the sixteen for the LPC as that seems more possible for me in the time frame given.

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This is the lava base that I had described that I will scrap for what will likely be a grey stone and dirt possibly with some grass. This mini is not one of my LPC guys I just put to much time into the paint job to cope with the idea of dunking him into simple green. Enjoy the funky pic from my ancient camera.


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Ok, that's awesome. I love it when people use textured bases. Even there isn't a lot of stuff on the base, just having it textured tends to make the presentation a lot better. As for using stone colors, I think that would go great with your Zerkers. I've never been bold enough to try a lava base myself, but if the idea still interests you I think I saw a tutorial in the PCA forums that was pretty good. You can borrow ideas from it to make the process less time consuming if you ever want to try doing more lava bases in the future.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Finshed all the gold trim and only two bezerkers left to hit with black before I go over the details.I am now planning to go back and drill the barrels and finish some basing. At that point the plan is to add some good ol WE decals followed by a wash of possibly chestnut or black them finish the base. I'd weather permits I will hit them with some sealent. pics after the weekend...
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Nearing the home stretch, I could not help but do some work on the bases to mix it up a bit as doing detailing for so long was getting rather tedious.

Group shot:


Closer shots:



Still have five more guys to get some gun metal on them and then a couple details like belts, eyes and such then some wash and sealent I am on the fence with adding decals as I do not like the current available GW world eater transfers, which is all I have on hand.

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  • 3 weeks later...


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