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Hail fellow frater!


Mr. Malevolent here with a new painting/project/LPC log for you all to enjoy.

This time I am going with everyones favorite elite of the elite of the elite, the Grey Knights!

During the holiday's I obtained a nice sum of extra plastic crack coin with which I could fund my money pit of a hobby :)

I decided that I needed to build an army that would get me into a game fast, with less fuss on buying tons of units and or spending a crazy amount of coinage.

After much deliberation I fell upon the Grey Knights, a Chapter that has always been close to my heart ever since I discovered them in an old White Dwarf magazine many many moons ago.



What started it all for me.


I went on a shopping spree and bought out my local hobby store of their Grey Knight goodness.

Heres what I ended up with.



They were loving me that day!


Even though they have gone thru a complete overhaul since Codex: Daemonhunters, Grey Knights are still capable of being built with a small amount of models. +++Note: I am not doing Draigo Wing, I cannot stand that list and will never build it.+++

The contents above will be building:

1 Librarian (converted from Draigo)

1 5 man Terminator squad with interchangeable special weapons (magnetized)

1 5 man Strike Squad with Razorback

1 5 man Interceptor squad (love those backpacks)

1 Dreadknight with interchangeable weapons choices (again magnetized)

I also plan on adding another Terminator squad, another Dreadknight, another Strike squad and a Storm Raven or two.

If all goes according to plan I will be changing my LPC Vow from the Carcharodons to these Grey Knights.

I plan on air brushing them with a zenith technique, so expect some painted pics very very soon.

Now some W.I.P. pics of the bases, the Librarian, and a Termie.

I decided to go with a parched earth desert theme to the bases, to contrast with the blues and silver of the armor and weapons.

Their basically GS rolled out and cut into with a knife followed by pressing with a clay/color shaper to smooth the lines.



I really like the effect


Next up is the converted Librarian.

I think I may add piping with some guitar strings to strengthen the Librarian look.

I just do not think the standard Space Marine Terminator Librarian fits with the Grey Knights at all.

Plus unlike his fluff, I really dig the Draigo model.







Then we have the first Terminator I slapped together.

I have to say I absolutely love the new kits.

So much detail, so many extra bitz to use.





So thats as far as I am right now.

I'll be keeping the models off the bases, then re-attaching them after everything is painted.

I'm keeping to a strict building regime and WILL be finishing this project!

I'm shooting to get them done for an upcoming local tourney and for some random gaming action.

Thanks for looking and C&C is always welcome and appreciated.



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Simply the wickedest, coolest Grey Knight model I've ever seen.


My only criticism is that I didn't do it, therefore I hate you.

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My my lots of love for my fledgling Grey Knights I see :rolleyes:


@Honda: First, thank you very much.

Secondly, yes I entered the LPC. At first I entered for my Carcharodons I am building for Adepticon but after my little spending fit on these GreyKnights I decided to change my entry to the Inquisiton Forces.

I'm still waiting on a reply back from the Mod. to see if I can change my entry.

Thirdly, I will definitely have more then one painted by March.

I can have the entire army painted (well the silver at least) in one sitting thanks to a sweet airbrush scheme I found on another site!


@Darth Potato & Battle Brother Ludovic: Thank you very much.

I really appreciate the kind words so much!


@A D-B: Thank you so much!

Let me just say as a HUGE fan of yours, that I am glad you hate me :D

I'm surprised no one had done something similar to this before.


@keith: I know right?!

I was holding back for so long but after starting to re-read my Grey Knights Omnibus and hearing of the up and coming Grey Knight book from A D-B I had plenty of inspiration to draw upon and look forward to.

Thats always a huge factor for me and building an army, is there something (novel wise) that I can draw inspiration from? Doesn't help that I've always loved the Grey Knights...


Bit of an update today


So a little story for you all involving an impulse buy the other day.

I decided I wanted to build a Grand Master.

Went to the local hobby shop and grabbed a Finecast Captain Stern.

The idea was to dremel out his head and replace it, along with new plastic weapons to create my GM.

Now I have an old metal model of Stern but if you've seen some of my posts on other users threads, I HATE converting pewter.

So yet again I bought a Stern model, it was a shame though as the details on his face came out really well...

After getting home I discovered Stern is seriously tiny compared to what I was currently using as a Librarian.

Brainstorming follows and I decided to promote the Libby to a Grand Master, swapped out the staff for a halberd and when I built the new Libby base I raised him a bit so he wouldn't look so tiny in comparison.

I also had a helluva time fitting a new head.

Even the bare heads from the kit couldn't fit and or looked goofy.

I still had Draigos head lying around and give it a dry fit and BAM! it fit perfectly.


Enough babbling here are some pics....

+++Prepare for a lot of pics!+++


New Librarian and the Grand Master



Ex-Librarian turned Grand Master



New Librarian pics




Justicar and random Terminator



Two random Terminators



And now for my pride and joy...

A magnetized special weapons Terminator.

+++I'll be magnetizing almost every special/heavy weapons options in the army. Up next is the Dreadknight+++



magnetized weapons



Hope you guys like everything so far!

I've got all my paints ready and I should be getting the airbrush and compressor set up either tomorrow or Tuesday.

Expect painted pics very soon.

C&C are always welcome and appreciated and again thank you for looking!



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  • 2 months later...

Oh my, its been quite a while....


First, thank you guys.

I love the support and I apologize for the time between my last post and some painted pics.

So I finished this guy the other day in between working on my Carcharodons and a commission Goff Ork army.

I had tried a bunch of other techniques but in the end I went with the most simple option and funnily enough, my new favorite harkening back to the old Codex: Daemonhunters.

Hope you like him!








Should have more done soon along with more Carcharodons.

C&C is always welcome and encouraged.

Thank you for looking.



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I wasn't sure about the basing... until the paint hit it, and now I'm sold. I always have a hard time seeing past the green of greenstuff when it's not painted. Great job giving the Silver a nice cold Blue cast as well. And who doesn't love magnets? Solid start all around.
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