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Need Ideas


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I'm thinking of building a Death Guard army but really don't want to do the bloated marines that every body else does. I'd like to go the other way and make the marine's more gaunt. There lies the rub how do you make power armour skinny? Heads and arms will come from the zombie fantasy kit but arm and head swaps are not going to cut it. I thought maybe trying to remove the stomach armour and swapping a rib cage out with it.



Anybody done this or have ideas I could try?



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Instead of bloating, how about they stay the same?


I'm talking about minimum body modification other than Warriors of Chaos Marauder Horsemen arms.. The bare ones. It would show that they're clearly not bloated and fat, but just as trim (seems to me like the muscle doesn't go away).


Maybe gaunt is possible but it's a wonderful idea. Zombie arms have huuuuge hands, by the way. Would look silly with power armor (used to use the hands for Tzeentch sorcerers casting spells, and they looked like clowns). The ribcage thing is nice.. be sure to use the new Vampire Count plastic skeletons, because the person who sculpted them did an amazing job.


Good luck sir

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I applaud the idea of trying something different and surely there must be Plague Marines that have non-bloating diseases. I struggle to think of how to make them look "thin", though. I mean, surely their power armour won't lose weight, even if they do? I guess lots of bare heads would be the only logical way to show that kind of thing (but of course the rule of cool should take precedence here).


I think you can do a lot to make them look nurgly with a paintjob and perhaps some battledamage/sligt modelling tweaks. I don't know if that's any help at all, but just to say that I think it probably won't be a problem for people to recognize non-bloated Nurgle-guys as being Plague Marines.

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