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Freehanding Skulls


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After about the 3rd mini I did, I decided to freehand all my insignia to help improve my skills. However one thing I am having trouble with is doing skulls.


So I'm asking for any tips, examples, or anything that might make it easier to do. Right now the best I have been able to come up with is a strange looking "Q".


Tried the searchy, but didn't come up with anything, so maybe I'm just nuts to try and freehand this.


EDIT: Spelling

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I would suggest doing the the shape of the skull as a 'block' shape with the colour you want the skull to be, then once you've done that, carefully paint in the eyes. nose and teeh.


Thats the most i can help with other then, keep practicing on shoulder pads you haven't used, and again just keep practicing, freehanding takes lot of time, effort and patience, but you just have to keep at it and realise your first few attempts will look wrong if you rush and DON'T thin your paints.


Hope i've made sense.




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