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Set course to RAM!


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After I dump the cargo out of my rhinos, I've made a habit of using them as battering rams. With an 18" movement, it's a strength 8 hit, which can topple most vehicles. In general, I've been using it against other Rhinos, Trukks and lower armor vehicles. I also thought that a cheap alternative to using rhinos is to use Predators and Baal predators. At 70 and 115 points apiece, they'd be cheap Strength 10 battering rams. You can also alpha strike with your Baal predators:


12" deployment +18" flat out scout move + 18" move = 48". You can reach across the board in the first or second turn. If you think of the board in 8 6" increments, you can easily calculate distances to maximize your range.


The Baal predator seems to be made for this, being as you can pop a transport quite easily (auto-pen with S10) and flamstorm cannon the contents inside with S6 AP3. If you blow it up, they're all nicely arranged in the crater.


Works best against transports and non-tank vehicles, being as you take a base S6 hit back at you for your movement (against AV13 doesn't matter). Land Raiders are a problem, but most people bring enough Melta to deal with the 1-2 Raiders that people bring.


So what do you think?

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If you can pull off that 18 inch ram, its awesome. Even 15+ is pretty good. I got a lucky ram off on a Necron vehicles (can't remember the name) at exactly 18 inches with a Vindicator (main gun blown off). Immobilized it, making it pretty easy for the rest of my force to deal with.
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I think the use of a cheap Baal as an "Alpha Ram" is quite interesting. Definitely got room for something there!


Id prefer long range stuff, but remember two quick pedantic points, 9 times out of 10, you will not be getting the full S10, you're only likely to get S9 max, since being SPOT on 18" is improbably without measuring.


Also, remember that with units with cargo, we cant move over 12" and disembark or disembark and then move over 12".


That aside, i think its cool.

Would be nice unexpected, thats for sure. Though, it is a 115 point hunter killer that always hits ><; So, may not be ideal use.

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There is a reason you generally don't want to get your valuable tanks within 12 inches of a rhino transport and that is what is inside said transport. Do an 18" ram on a rhino and wreck it. Now the melta armed marines inside are going to cook your 100+ point tank in their turn. You've just traded a tank for a rhino worth half its points.


Don't get me wrong, ramming is a great option for BA but it's not a good thing to do as a primary tactic. Ramming is for when your weapons are gone or the target is soft and can't offer retaliation (an immobilized DE raider with wytches in it was one of my favorites). There are cheaper and more reliable sources of str8-10 than using a tank as a ram.


P.S. Forget the tank, a dirt cheap land speeder ramming the rear armor of most vehicles off a 24" turbo boost is classic.

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Takes two turns to set up that sort of ram though, Bonzi.

Edit: Moreover, Speeders aren't tanks. They can't ram because ramming is considered a special form of tank-shock.


Ramming is definitely a viable blood angels tactic, since we have the speed, numerous vehicles, and armor to accomplish good things with it. Shouldn't be a tactic you build your list around, but given that I run Mech BA, it (along with tank-shocking) is a common strategy in my arsenal. Personally I'm particularly fond of the 12" tank shock and shoot maneuver by things like Baal Preds or Razorbacks.


And because its a thread about ramming I have to share my latest epic ram: My Auto-Las Predator had already had both its sponsons blowns off in a game against Necrons, before being shaken as well. The game was winding down in an already horribly lopsided affair and one of my opponent's few remaining models was a Monolith, so I figured to hell with it. Declared the ram, got a 15" move off for it, hitting the 'lith with strength 9, while my pred took a strength 10 hit on the front armor. I let my opponent roll his result first, and he rolled a 1 or 2, doing nothing. I nailed the 6 needed for a penetrating hit, and proceeded to wreck it. Monster Predator! One of my other tanks has been marked out for special service by successfully ramming and destroying a Grey Knight Storm Raven. Trying to figure out the physics of how that would work has proved quite awesome.

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(Sokhar @ Jan 16 2012, 03:24 PM) *

Personally I'm particularly fond of the 12" tank shock and shoot maneuver by things like Baal Preds or Razorbacks.

It looks nice, but You can't do that ;)

Model which attempts a Ram must move at top speed, which means that it cannot shoot after the move... sadly :) because it would be really great :)

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(Sokhar @ Jan 16 2012, 03:24 PM) *

Personally I'm particularly fond of the 12" tank shock and shoot maneuver by things like Baal Preds or Razorbacks.

It looks nice, but You can't do that :no:

Model which attempts a Ram must move at top speed, which means that it cannot shoot after the move... sadly :cuss because it would be really great :P


Incorrect matey. Best check the rule book. You declare the number of inches you wish to tank shock after pivoting and declaring a tank shock. So if you declare 1-12" you're good to fire.

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While ramming is fun, my favorite moments are when my friends decide to try and death or glory my rams/tankshocks. In an incredibly close game against my friend's Tyranids after a long absence from playing I just had rhino and a few marines left to go after his Carnifex, and Trygon, and gaunt squad. His carnifex ate one of my remaining marines, but while he was busy doing that, I first tank shocked his Trygon, which failed its death or glory and promptly became goo, and then I tank shocked his gaunts off an objective. (I realize fearless may make tank shock different than normal, but he decided to go with it). Classic moment. That and I've also tank shocked another friends ork warboss who promptly failed his attacks with a power claw. Good times, I love the smell of roadkill xenos!
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If y'all don't mind me telling a story of chaos marines I had one game where tank shocking proved quite useful.


so Pedro and a bunch of hammernators are munching up my army and my quad-plasma havoks dual melta squads and power weapon possessed just whiff and bounce right off but got the squad down to Pedro and two guys.


last turn I have an angle on the squad with rhino one Pedro steps up and splat. rhino two then revs up and a hammernator stands up and splat and then rhino three realized that he also had an attack angle on the last terminator and splat. so basically the guys I brought specifically to deal with termies didnt to much of anything but the rhinos pracatlly wiped the squad

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One of my other tanks has been marked out for special service by successfully ramming and destroying a Grey Knight Storm Raven. Trying to figure out the physics of how that would work has proved quite awesome.


Seen Die Hard 4.0?


Thanks for this thread, it's reinvigorating my desire to get some BA tanks. I've been after a Baal for ages. Anyone had luck tank shocking then toasting with a flamestorm Baal?

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(Sokhar @ Jan 16 2012, 03:24 PM) *

Personally I'm particularly fond of the 12" tank shock and shoot maneuver by things like Baal Preds or Razorbacks.

It looks nice, but You can't do that :no:

Model which attempts a Ram must move at top speed, which means that it cannot shoot after the move... sadly :) because it would be really great :P


Incorrect matey. Best check the rule book. You declare the number of inches you wish to tank shock after pivoting and declaring a tank shock. So if you declare 1-12" you're good to fire.


Technically you are both right. When tank shocking you do indeed declare how many inches you want to go, but when ramming you need to move at maximum speed.

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Thanks for this thread, it's reinvigorating my desire to get some BA tanks. I've been after a Baal for ages. Anyone had luck tank shocking then toasting with a flamestorm Baal?


Marginal. It can be difficult with small or medium sized squads because if you're close enough to tank shock them, then you're hitting most of the unit with the thin part of the template. That said, I was attempting the maneuver with just a single tank, so that's going to limit its effectiveness. Kirby from 3++ has a couple Flamestorm BA lists that spam Flamestorm Baals and heavy flamer Razorbacks, so you'd have multiple tanks working in conjunction to jam a squad together and be able to hit with multiple template weapons. Could be fun.


I feel like I want to get back to using Baals because they do offer a couple of distinct advantages, but they're blatantly overpriced compared to other BA vehicles, and Attack Bikes are just so damn cheap and useful.

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