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Grey Knights LPC 2012


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Greetings Brothers,

Here is my first WIP pictures of my Deathwatch Kill-Team. I am using them as warrior acolytes in my Grey Knights army.






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  • 3 weeks later...

Brothers of the Imperium, here is the update on my LCP vow. I have just finished my Deathwatch Kill-Team and have already started Lord Draigo. I will be base coating the daemonhost in the next few days as I'm painting Draigo. I have also decided that I don't like the red on Draigo's cape so I plan to redo it in some shade of blue.





Here is Lord Draigo. As you can see, I didn't like the way the red looked on his cape so I changed it to blue. I think I may also be getting better at taking pictures :o









Here is Lord Draigo. As you can see, I didn't like the way the red looked on his cape so I changed it to blue. I think I may also be getting better at taking pictures ;)




The new colours go very nicely with the metallics.

Very nice, and the base looks clean.


How about a tiny bit of blue wash to the eyes, then after it dries an even smaller dot of white?


I like the blue on the cape


Oh, and your attention to detail is noted fo' sho'. Keep it up


Thanks for the advice. Draigo's eyes are very very small. You may not be able to tell from the pic, but I did do what you suggested. I painted the eyes white then used a blue wash but its hard to tell. I do like your idea about the white spot so I'm going back and adding it. I also went back and outlined his armor with mithril silver to try to clean up the edges but I'm not sure if you can see it in the updated pic that I will post tonight. I also used a watered down blue ink on parts of his armor to give it a kind of blue glow but it was only very little in a few spots.

Here is Draigo with a few extra details that may be hard to see in the pics. I used mithril silver to outline more of is armor (like around his helmet). This helped to clean up the edges and it works very well. I also added a small glare dot to one of his eyes. I wish his eyes were a little bigger because its hard to see the ink wash I did to them to try to get them to look like they were glowing. If you click above the pic and look at it full size it sure helps to view it better.



nice work. I am also making a deathwatch kill team, though yours look better than mine ;) and your Draigo looks great too. I agree on the blue vs. red on the cloak.


Thanks. The kill teams are fun and easy to do. I ordered the custom shoulder pads many years ago to make them but I just now got around to getting them done. Later I will add 5 more men to the team and part of the fun is picking which chapters to use. Good luck on your team an may the Emperor Protect.....and guide your brush :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished my Daemonhost. I was thinking of going with a green body and kind of making it look like a zombie but I wanted to keep to the original story and make it look like something was trying to tear it's way out of a fresh victim's body.





  • 1 month later...


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