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Old Predator Firing Arcs


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Hello Brothers,

I play a periodic game with a friend of mine who has a fairly large chaos force. She, just kidding, girls don't play warhammer, ok so maybe some do but I haven't met any... Where was I going with this? Oh yeah he uses an old model solid metal predator pure lascannon variety. And as I recall its sponsons cannot swivel to the rear arc. Unfortunately they are also glued forward. So I guess the question is do older models work in game as they were built or are they just stand ins for there modern counterparts?

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Oh yeah he uses an old model solid metal predator pure lascannon variety. And as I recall its sponsons cannot swivel to the rear arc. Unfortunately they are also glued forward. So I guess the question is do older models work in game as they were built or are they just stand ins for there modern counterparts?


If it looks like it can swing or swivel in a given direction, even if glue would prevent that, then treat it as if it can; that's how we handle it. If the model itself prevents it (or would prevent it) from turning to a certain point, them's the breaks.


She, just kidding, girls don't play warhammer, ok so maybe some do but I haven't met any...

Not really relevant to the OR, but I do know quite a few girls that play the game.

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Please, keep sexist comments and jokes to a minimum- we dont appreciate them here.


That being said, the rule is that anywhere they could have been pointed if they had not been glued in place is where they can point. If they are simply fixed they can have 45' fire arcs.

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In case it wasn't clear from the above replies - use the actual model it has and the firing arcs those weapons would have if not glued in place. The rulebook clearly uses the model itself as a reference, not the type of vehicle.


Note that different ages of landraiders also have different sponson firing arcs.

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