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Cheexsta's 2012 Painting Resolution


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Hi all :)


First of all, a couple of links to previous threads:

Legio Cruentis WIP

Legio Cruentis Hall of Honour


So, one of my New Year's Resolutions was to get all of my Chaos stuff painted in preparation for 6th edition and the Chaos Legions book - the theory being that I'll then have a clear conscience in buying new shiny toys knowing that everything is painted :rolleyes:


Overall shot:



There's approx. 10k points of CSM and 4.5k points of Daemons.


Top Shelf



To do: finish painting Defilers (~60% done).


Heavy Armour Shelf



To do: 1x Land Raider, 1x Predator, 2x Rhinos, 2x Dreadnoughts, 4x Obliterators.


Specialist Shelf



To do: 4x Chaos Lords, 15x Bikers, 15x Terminators, 16x Raptors.


HQ & Troops Shelf



To do: Abaddon, 3x Chaos Lords, Sorcerer, 64x Berzerkers (plus touch-ups).


Daemons Shelf



To Do: Angron, Bloodthirster, Skarbrand, Daemon Prince, 8x Flesh Hounds, 8x Bloodcrushers, 48x Bloodletters.


Wish me luck :D

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Good luck brother, i must say thats a mighty fine haul of models you have there. Loving the amount of armour you have there! I seem to have the same affliction where i buy and assemble lots of stuff, then take ages to paint it. I'm currently up to 4 completed models for my whole army :)


I too await the new codex with much anticipation, although i dare say that too many people will jump on the band wagon. I'm chaos til i die, i just hope we get a ruleset that we are owed!

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Hey, I've got proof that I've been part of the community since the original 3rd edition Chaos Codex ;) If you hate this Codex, at least it's a significant step up from that piece of rubbish. Though it did get better with the Index Astartes rules for Chaos Legions, so it wasn't all bad.


Anyway, I've finished the two unpainted Rhinos :tu:




And some detail of the Rhino numbers:




This was done using some custom decal paper for my laser printer (you can also get some for inkjet printers). I printed off some large Roman numerals, stuck them onto the hatches and painted Dheneb Stone over it (2-3 coats, so it was a solid colour), followed by Bleached Bone. I then stippled it with the basecoat colour to look like the numbers were flaking off. I'm pretty pleased with the result ^_^


I might go back at some point and add some freehand designs to my Rhinos, but that's a fairly low priority at the moment.

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Hey sorry cheexsta, that wasnt a dig at you so sorry if it came across as such, it was just a general rant about bandwagoners! I remember that 3rd was bad too, bring back 3.5 i say!


Those decals look sweet, thats a really good idea to distinguish between squads. Very well executed with the scratches etc blending it so it dosent look like a decal!

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Hey sorry cheexsta, that wasnt a dig at you so sorry if it came across as such, it was just a general rant about bandwagoners! I remember that 3rd was bad too, bring back 3.5 i say!


Those decals look sweet, thats a really good idea to distinguish between squads. Very well executed with the scratches etc blending it so it dosent look like a decal!

Thanks mate. Don't worry, I didn't take it as a dig anyway :D


This week's task will be to get one of my 16-man berzerker squads painted, so stay tuned!

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Quick update: someone on another forum requested pics of my painted Bloodletters, so here they are :)






There are Bloodletters from each edition mixed into each squad, so to get around uniformity issues (and to add some distinction between squads), I decided to go for a specific detail colour for each unit. So far I've only done green (very 2nd edition, IMHO) and purple (which was a challenge to make it look less Slaaneshi), but plan on having a unit for each primary and secondary colour, plus one for white and one for medium grey.

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I have made the same vow Cheexsta! I am almost done my 1750 Khorne Daemons army, will have it complete in a week (for a Tournament) and then on to my beloved World Eaters. I intend to repaint the whole lot of them, and while its nowhere near your tally, we only have a few months more to wait really.


Good luck!

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