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3 Assassins?


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Hi all, been a long time.


I was wondering if anyone has ran 3 assassins and a load of death cult assassins to make a kind of assassins temple army?




1) Can you have 3 assassins?

2) Can I field a non grey knight army?

3) What 3 assassins would you run with?



Thanks in advance,


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  birdbath said:
1) Can you have 3 assassins?

Sure, you have 3 elite slots. The temple assassins are Unique though, so you can only field one of each.

2) Can I field a non grey knight army?

Yes, if you take Coteaz as HQ, you can take henchmen as troops.

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I stopped using the Culexus when the new codex came out. But I am thinking about starting again. If you put him in a rhino and place that rhino next to a second rhino with a strike squad and a Land Raider with some terminators and an IC, he gets +5 shots. Some to think about…
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  Drachnon said:
I'd personally go with the Vindicare, Eversor and Callidus as I'm not that big a fan of the Culexus.

Seconded; the Culexus is way to dependent on meta-game to be universally effective. The fact that he only really works against Psykers makes him awesome against GKs, Thousand Sons or Eldar, and very underwhelming against Black Templars, Tau, or Necrons.

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Getting 18 psychics within 12" is pretty hard, and any blast template will probably hit half your army. Had his range been bigger, let's say 24", I might actually have fielded him, though his second problem is that he only has 12" shooting range while he himself isn't that great in close combat (no power weapon).
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ya i was ignorant I was looking more at draigo and pallys that i didnt even look to much in the assasin section which even when I played my sisters I only played one. Thats probably why the rule didnt stick in my head beacuse it didnt matter I only ever had one. I just got one for free so I didnt even think to look twice. Epic fail on my part.
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