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Spore Cloud FAQ

Something Wycked

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I know its somewhat looked down upon to use one codex' FAQ material as precedent for a different codex, but this is interesting.


Q: Do enemy models assaulting a Venomthrope brood... have their Initiative reduced to 1 for assaulting through the cloud?

A: No, as the Spore Cloud is not a piece of terrain.

Can we then surmise that Sanctuary, inflicting Difficult & Dangerous Terrain tests, does not reduce assaulting Initiative scores? Will the various Necron Dangerous/Difficult Terrain abilities then also not reduce Initiative if a unit assaults through them? What about other effects that are "not a piece of terrain"?

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Just like the first Tyranid FAQ introduced a ton of wacky wrong ideas, this one does the same. We concluded you can't use one codex FAQ for another back then, so I wouldn't do it again this time around.


Gotta love how GW is contradicting itself so much with these FAQs.

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"...treat all terrain, even open terrain, as Difficult and Dangerous terrain."


Spore Cloud is:

"...and any non-vehicle enemy model that assaults one of these units must take a dangerous terrain test to represent the toxic effect of the spore cloud."



So, the ruling that "...the Spore Cloud is not a piece of terrain" is asinine, as the assaulting through cover says "...if an assault unit had to take a difficult or dangerous terrain test during their assault move,..."


You take the test you suffer the rest. But wait! Arbitrary FAQ ruling says otherwise :P

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