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Embarked Models & LoS

Something Wycked

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I've found nothing in the Dark Angels Codex or the Space Marine Codex (quick skim)

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Yeah this one caught me mystified. I think it refers to essoteric things that your transported models could use if they can see the source of the power. "If I have LOS to this guy, I'm more inspired and will shoot better" kinds of things. Has nothing to do with psychic attacks or things that originate from the transported model. It is in line with some other rules (for example doom cannot impact transported units even though they can see it right outside the vehicle). It might ALSO be a bread crumb....(those BXXXX XXXXXars are inspired by the sight of the CXXXXXX CXXXXXXX and get +1XS) kind of things in future codexi....
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The two I can think of off the top of my head that may be affected are:


1). Njal's Lord of Tempests rules, as these aren't psychic powers but special rules. So if he's embarked I'm thinking he can't use the rules....which if true is a huge kick in the nuts to him.


2). Choosers of the Slain - if your RP is in a transport, no more getting the +1BS for firing as it's a piece of wargear.....but then again the wargear isn't in the transport so.....


Anyway those are the only two I could see being affected

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2). Choosers of the Slain - if your RP is in a transport, no more getting the +1BS for firing as it's a piece of wargear.....but then again the wargear isn't in the transport so.....

I doubt this is limited by the FAQ. The Chooser provides the bonus to the Rune Priest and does not require LoS to the Rune Priest to function :) If it could grant the bonus to a unit within X" of the Rune Priest and required LoS to that unit, then it would be limited by the FAQ.


Good spot on Njal, though- any of his Tempests that require LoS to a target will not function from inside a transport. :)

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