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Warseer rumors


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Perhaps you've seen this.


Not sure if the rumor i mentioned is posted up on your previous thread, but I again here mention from my GW buddies in Memphis, that sets of sprues that are Legion specific will finally come! Chaos of course being the first sets, though i'm told Terminator and regular Space Marine sprues will be sold separately. Once the Chaos Legions sprues hit, the Legions/Chapters still dedicated to the throne of Terra shall follow.


Chaos Space Marines will receive a boxed set, with ALL the needed option upgrades included for standard gear, and new sets for Berzerkers, Noise Marines, Plague Marines and Thousand Sons will follow with MUCH nicer sculpts.


So basically, all the Legions will buy the same boxed set for the majority of their models, but to make them Legion specific, separate sprues will be sold which will include shoulder pads, heads, banners, few weapons, etc. Terminators will also get separate sprues made available to them to become Legion specific.



Again, this is what i'm told...

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sounds realistic, as that means you have to buy more stuff... i allways quite liked the BT and DA upgrade sets though ;) and the whole concepts of packs like that. as it means i can get just bits, not having to buy 10 models to get perhaps 5 specific items on one sprue
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Perhaps you've seen this.


Not sure if the rumor i mentioned is posted up on your previous thread, but I again here mention from my GW buddies in Memphis, that sets of sprues that are Legion specific will finally come! Chaos of course being the first sets, though i'm told Terminator and regular Space Marine sprues will be sold separately. Once the Chaos Legions sprues hit, the Legions/Chapters still dedicated to the throne of Terra shall follow.


Chaos Space Marines will receive a boxed set, with ALL the needed option upgrades included for standard gear, and new sets for Berzerkers, Noise Marines, Plague Marines and Thousand Sons will follow with MUCH nicer sculpts.


So basically, all the Legions will buy the same boxed set for the majority of their models, but to make them Legion specific, separate sprues will be sold which will include shoulder pads, heads, banners, few weapons, etc. Terminators will also get separate sprues made available to them to become Legion specific.



Again, this is what i'm told...

That would be awesome! Fingers crossed it's true.

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I am particularly interested in how the Tsons heads would be sculpted.


Perhaps more like the artist who did the Chaos Child artwork (meh book, wonderful artist)


I think he painted the Iron Snakes stuff too


edit: This guy http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GThWm37hdl0/Tk4dKn8NaiI/AAAAAAAAAMw/EJPCRDWb1IM/s1600/Thousand_Sons_Marine_.jpg

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I think it's realistic that GW is probably making a few 5man CSM boxed sets, with tons of upgrades (as mentioned above in his "box consolidation" comment)


5man means we'd have to buy more. If there's one box everyone can use to make Thousand Sons, why make a seperate Thousand Sons box? Everyone would be buying the new product regardless of legion so they would get money anyways (instead of having boxes for a legion with rules that suck just sit on the shelf collecting dust). Seems smart.


I see the FW options remaining. They've already got the molds, so I am sure they will keep doing business for a long time with stuff they have available now, even after the next chaos dex.

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I am particularly interested in how the Tsons heads would be sculpted.


Perhaps more like the artist who did the Chaos Child artwork (meh book, wonderful artist)


I think he painted the Iron Snakes stuff too


edit: This guy http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GThWm37hdl0/Tk4dKn8NaiI/AAAAAAAAAMw/EJPCRDWb1IM/s1600/Thousand_Sons_Marine_.jpg

DAMN! I've never seen that art...it's amazing! Best rubric marine I've seen.


I wonder if they will release Ahriman, Khârn etc. in Finecast or in the new plastic mold blister packs. I'm hoping the latter because they've been amazing so far but assuming and dreading the former... "yay I just bought fine cast Ahriman...I'll just carefully snip his staff out...*snap*.... o_O /rage "

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