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Hi from Portsmouth UK


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Hi after a long time lurking on this website as a guest, i've finally decided to join properly.

I live in Portsmouth and i realise from reading on this forum and others that there is a wargames club practically for every day of the week in my area. But i don't really know where they meet up so have never been to a proper wargames club.


I've been collecting and playing 40k as SM and CSM since i was 12, with a 4 year break due to finding other recreational activities. Then i met my wife 7 years ago and she persuaded me to get back into the hobby so i wouldn't get bored whilst she worked nights.


Over the time i've been collecting i've collected:

Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Ultramarines, World Eaters, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, and Legion of the Damned.


I've battled and collected:

Shields of Dorn (my own Chapter), and Fallen Dark Angels (Current army)


I also have a Necromunda Gang which me and a couple of guys from work skirmish with every now and then

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Hail and welcome, brother! If you're looking for players in your area, try looking at this subforum and if you can't find a relevant thread, you could always post up a thread calling for players in your area there. :lol:
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  • 1 month later...

Thank you for the welcome to the forum.


no picture of the Shields of Dorn yet GrimApostle, i had to sell most of them off as my wife was pregnant and we were strapped for cash. All i have left is a squad of Sternguard, a banner bearer and my chapter Master. I'll dig them out and post pictures as soon as find them.


Thanks again to all for the welcome

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