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The Sacred Seven


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"They come through the configuration, the sacred seven, blessed by the four corners and gather together for the one cause." - Scrambled Astropath communique from the devastated Agriworld of Undra VII


Dark Magos Lemarchand created the Configuration for the late Fabricator General Aurian de L'Isle, a flawless cube that belies it's daemonic origin, a tune specifically created for the possessor of the Configuration comes forth as they work upon the flawless surface, as pieces are eventually removed through applying pressure upon unseen hinges, upon further application they're rewarded with a further filigree to their personal tune.


Upon completion the entire tune comes to fruition, a melancholy bell tolls forth and it's end, it's echo filling the room in which it's activated, there have been instances in the past when the Configuration has been released outside, it's mournful toll echoing for miles. The sound itself heralds the release of the Sacred Seven, a Chaos force led by Seven heralds dedicated to an obscure God, mostly forgotten by the living and those who know are driven insane by the knowledge held within, those who survive the ordeal often pluck out their eyes, remove their tongues and rupture their ear drums. By mandate those few are sealed in isolation to further wait investigation, upon the seventh day on the seventh hour all communication and observation is cut for all but a few seconds, the accursed is never seen again once the static clears.


"They believe in discord, they believe in chaos, they believe in order, they believe in redemption, they believe in you, they believe. . ." - Astropath executed by order of Chaplain Reikan of the Destroyers




I've wanted to create a unique Chaos warband for as long as I can remember, but between a M-F/S 0800 to 1600 career, studying, workout regiment and a whole slew of obligations, I never had the chance to truly sit down and scrap things together, but over the past couple of weeks I've been able to put a few of my warband together, plus I'm sure most people will be able to get a few of the Hellraiser references.


I'll be putting up more images and background over the next couple of days, right now I just needed to place this up to put my ass in gear.


Just don't expect huge updates or anything spectacular when it comes to conversions, this is, once again just here to motivate me to finish this project the right way from the start and maybe motivate a few others to do the same.

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I wouldn't doubt it, I don't believe I'll be sculpting them ( the mini's and the story ) towards the sadomasochistic leather fun house that Pinhead and his cohorts are known for. I'm aiming for the abject horror they instill upon the minority ( their victims ) as they sculpt the present and future towards an esoteric balance.


Unfortunately, I've misplaced my camera, so I won't be able to post pictures yet.


In so far, I've created 18 marines, a Lord and Sorcerer. Have five more HQ choices and 2 marines to create still. Not even including the unbuilt SM Megaforce a friend gave me since he got out of the hobby, you know the one. . .


( Tactical Squad, Combat Squad, Assault Squad, Dreadnought, Rhino Mk IIc and Predator Mk IVb )


I've got an order from FW on the way, not counting them into the build process as I've got to clean them and figure out my plan of attack.


MK V Space Marine Assault Squad x 1

MK V Heresy Armour x 1

MKIC Deimos Pattern Rhino x 2

Contemptor Cyclone Missile Launcher x 1

Contemptor Pattern Kheres Assault Cannon x 2

Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought Body x 1

Land Raider Achilles x 1


The guys and gals that I game with don't have a problem with FW rules and models, they like the challenge and they know I don't min/max. I naturally just play to have fun and to burn a couple hours, in so far I'm prepping for a campaign that a friend wants to set up. Hopefully I'll get The Sacred Seven set up long before then. . . failing that, at least built.

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So I finally have an update, because it arrived in the mail. Due to the weather, the best lighting in the house was in the bathroom.






I've got a lot of cleaning to do and photos to take for the twenty mini's I've made thus far, but at least I'm moving forward.

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