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When fighting orks

Captain Kratos

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When an ork player elects to use his Nob's bosspole after failing a leadership test in a close combat that he's just lost, does he (1) get to re-roll the failed leadership test at his base leadership of 7, or (2) does he have to re-roll it at whatever the previous modified roll was?


Example: The ork player looses a close combat by four wounds. His mob is bellow eleven and so he's forced to take a leadership test. Having lost by 4 wounds he minuses 4 from his leadership 7 and now needs to roll a 2 or 3 to pass. He re-rolls 2D6 for his leadership test and gets a total of 7. Failing, he elects to use his bosspole to re-roll that test. After placing a wound on a boy, etc. he re-rolls... and here's my question:


Does he re-roll the test needing a 2 or 3 again to pass, or does he re-roll the test needing a 7 or less (i.e. his base leadership value)?



I would think that the re-roll from a bosspole doesn't change what he needs to roll (in this case) a 2 or 3, but rather just allows him another chance to roll a 2 or 3. Do I have that right?

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It's just a re-roll. He'll take it either on his Ld7 (minus losses) or the new mob size (minus losses).




Ork player loses combat by 4 with 10 Orks remaining, takes the test at 6 (10 - 4), fails, Nob punches somebody (they take an armour save), re-roll at 6 (or 5 [9-4] if ork failed his armour save).

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