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40k Scenery Board WIP


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A friend and I have decided to build a 6' by 4' scenery board whilst taking pictures along the way. Our idea is to eventually build a few of them and sell them as neither of us actively battle and prefer the modelling aspect. We have decided to first of all build a frame to rest three 2' by 4' boards on, then when the boards are sold, we can start a new board upon our empty frame.


Here are some pictures of us building the frame:






Spraying the frame Black


The plan is to have two raised sides with a city on one side with a bridge leading over a dried canal to a snowy courtyard area. There will also be an underground sewer cut into the side of the raised part on one side and a basement area into the other, these will lead into the dried canal in the middle.

Hopefully we'll upload a 3D image of our ideas as that explanation probably isn't very clear!

and we'll also try to update as much as possible :D


Watch this space!

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The top floor of my house is pretty big, so we're using that as our workshop (taking the materials up two flights of stairs is obviously the highlight). So everything is being stored up there.

We're off getting some foam for the foundations of the city and have also had a rethink about the design. So should be updating with new pictures later tonight



We have bought and cut the foam, and have stuck it down. We've decided upon a shipping port as the board theme, which should be awesome! There's the rough layout in picture 3 and then we glued the Celotex to the board. It's starting to take shape now :o








Any chance of adding a great big ship? :)


We did think of doing this! But decided that it would give the opposing side an unfair advantage in battle (as they have the city to hide in). So instead decided to half the water area in order to add cover. Its still a possibility that we will include a small ship (or possibly just the front end of a larger one?)

Any chance of adding a great big ship? :P


We did think of doing this! But decided that it would give the opposing side an unfair advantage in battle (as they have the city to hide in). So instead decided to half the water area in order to add cover. Its still a possibility that we will include a small ship (or possibly just the front end of a larger one?)


I like the idea (obviously). Maybe some long, flatish tanker?

Got a bit more done today, so thought we would update with some news pictures.


Olisredan's request for a ship has actually been decided on now, so the board will host a 1m long oil tanker! and a lighthouse

We decided to keep the idea of having an accessible sewer and started by scooping out the Celetex to get a piece of guttering into the side that will be the curved sewer wall.



Here we are using spoons as the tool of choice


The guttering in place with some marines for scale

We then used filler to smooth out the edges although it inst very clear in this picture. We will later build up around the entrance of the sewer with a bricked arch


Another picture of the sewer.


We then finalised the layout for the rest of the board. The ship will fit in the long gap of bare wood, we will also have cliffs on the right hand side of the board with a lighthouse perched on top.

The left hand side will include buildings, possibly the edge of a city or warehouses?

On the middle board close to the edge will be oil drums and containers.

So any bare wood that you can see in that picture will become water.


The location of the lighthouse, the outer line represents where the cliffs will begin to ascend


First drawings for the boat.


Hope everyone likes it! We would love to hear any ideas or criticisms so far!

Or if you have any questions feel free to ask!


This looks awesome. Can't wait to see how this goes. Big fan of the sewers and of course the HMS Olisredan. B)


Thanks a lot :), That is definitly going to be the name of the boat! such a good idea haha



We did some more today :) The boat is getting there, and started making pipes from a Hirst Arts mould. It took us a while to get the right consistency with the plaster, but we did get a batch that looks really good! We will probably have spare pipes for sale too, if anyone wants some but doesn't want to buy the mould themselves.








Loads done today, got the cliffs sculpted and the main body of the boat finished! lots of pictures to show :yes:



Cutting out the cliff face.



The cut out road that will lead to the Lighthouse.



The boat after plastering the floor and sides.



The full boat after plastering and applying the final card pieces for the back.



Cliffs in place on the board.



The side of the cliff detail with pipe leading from the port walls into the cliff face.



The cliffs after plastering.



The boat frame in position on the board



Minis for scale :ph34r:



The plastered cliff with the road also plastered.



Good battle opportunity from the cliffs down to the boat!



From the right hand side



The road leading to where the Lighthouse will be.


Lots done today but still lots more to go! Once the plaster on the boat has dried we will be sanding it down to get a nice smooth finish and then start working on the boats cabin (I suppose you would call it?). We will also begin painting the cliffs and road, flocking the surface above and begin work on the lighthouse. I'll hopefully get some sketches for the lighthouse drawn up later tonight to get opinions on.

We think that the boat and lighthouse should belong to either one of the chapters or mechanicum. We are leaning more towards one of the chapters but are not sure which one? any ideas? we're thinking of being generic and going ultramarines.

Please post any ideas, comments and criticisms as we would love to hear what everyone thinks of the board so far!


Also: apologies for the poor camera work, at the moment I'm just using my phone but I'm sure I can stretch to use a proper camera once everything is looking nice!

I'll keep a keen watch out for the HMS Olisredan. ;)

I lol'd at that. I think to keep it generic maybe paint it up mechanicum colours or even just paint it dark grey with lots of aquilas on it. Do Space Marines have boats?


Nice project, I look forward to seeing more.

+1 for the mechanicum colours, maybe makde the control cabin out of a manufactorum building?


I also think this board noeeds a working lighthouse! ;)


Got loads of manufactrium pieces left over so that could work really well, I think we'll go with some generic greys tied on with the dark reds of the mechanicum and lots of aquilia's

We've also discussed having the lighthouse work so it's a possibility, I think we'll decide once the main body of te lighthouse is done.


As for the pictures being a bit ambiguous as to out intentions, I'll try and draw up our ideas in a clear format and post them soon ;)


Thanks for all the ideas they really help, keep em' comin' :lol:

quick update! Cliffs have been base coated as seen in the picture below, Since then we have applied the first dark grey coat and will get the lighter grey and highlights on soon.



Also drew up a quick design for the Lighthouse, would love to know what everything thinks? any ideas for improvements? :D



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