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Ceasarian's Grey Knights LPC Vow


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I had a good deal of success last year with the Libarium Painting Challenge (although I never figured out how to get that banner displayed with my posts...). For this year I'm looking to further expand my Grey Knights army and I may look to add more units to my vow depending on how fast I can complete these different models. However for the moment I have vowed to completed my Grand Master, 2x GKT and of course a Land Raider Crusader.


Here's a before picture- which does include a lone BA that I'm painting up for the venerable JamesI (which isn't part of this challenge of course).



I was able to make a ton of progress yesterday on my GK army- and I finished up the first part of my vow:


Grand Master & 2x Grey Knight Terminators:



More of the Grand Master:





I wanted to include an overall picture of my entire GK army as it stands so far. Its' still getting there, and I have a ton more to get done before Adepticon this year.












I still have the Land Raider Crusader left, which I'm hoping to get done quickly. However...I do take into account that the last time I painted a LRC it took me nearly three months...


As always thank you for your time and your comments.


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Thank you all for your comments.


Is that NMM?


Yes the models that I have painted for this army are all NMM. I do not have an airbrush currently so I have to hand paint all of my models, including the vehicles- which can be a massive pain. I have made a bit of progress on my Land Raider Crusader and I hope to have pictures up of it in a few days.


Thank you all again for your time and your comments,



No offense but your painting style doesn't have that 'realistic' feel but instead has this ... I don't know how to describe it ... like a cartoony/comic book feel and its totally awesome!


I don't think anyone should take that as an offense. This is a great looking army and in my opinion, distancing the paint style from being realistic adds to the overall flavor and recognition value.

Thank you all for your comments and replies.


No offense but your painting style doesn't have that 'realistic' feel but instead has this ... I don't know how to describe it ... like a cartoony/comic book feel and its totally awesome!


No offense taken. I wanted to go with a more stylized look to the Grey Knights as opposed to the gritty more realistic tone. I always really liked the third edition army style- most likely because that's when I had originally got into the hobby. I wanted to paint this army up keeping that old 3rd edition style in mind. Thus a lot of the old White Dwarfs I've come across and the old Demon Hunters book have come in handy when coming up with new paint schemes to keep with this theme.


Close up on dreadnought pls! ;)


Sure thing. The two Dreads are a combination of several different kits. The one with the shield on the front is actually a heavily converted Librarian/ Furioso Dread kit. With the shield coming from the Scibors site and the arms from the Aegis defense line. The banner is freehanded on a greatswords bit with the cherub coming from the Empire commander box. The other dreadnought has some of the bits from the Furioso kit and the banner of course is from the new Grey Knight terminator box set.






I wanted to make the two dreads look incredibly ornate/ customized given the fluff that GK dreads are very rare and seldom fielded. I'm going the same route with my current project- the Land Raider Crusader.


As always thank you for your time and your comments,


Nice work I really like the NMM Grey Knights, I once thought about doing Grey Knights in NMM but figured it would be way above my painting skill at the moment (recently got back into the hobby after 6-7 years can't quite remember).


Don't suppose you would share your NMM gold recipe would you? Going to paint my Ultramarine Captain and figured I would add something different for this character and I really like your gold colour.

Don't suppose you would share your NMM gold recipe would you? Going to paint my Ultramarine Captain and figured I would add something different for this character and I really like your gold colour.


Sure thing. I had posted how I go about painting NMM a long time ago on these boards- but I can't seem to find it/ access it at the moment. I have a link here to the Independent Characters forum- where I had posted the same tutorial a while back. If you look that thread you'll also see how my painting style has greatly improved the past couple of years (never be afraid to try new things).

Here is the link- I hope that it helps you out with your NMM: http://www.theindependentcharacters.com/fo...14&start=10

The tutorial starts on Page 2 of the thread.


I made some progress on my Land Raider Crusader! I wanted to post some of the WIP images as the Librarium painting challenge requires at least one WIP post. I have almost all of the line highlighting done on the tank as well as the detailing. All that is left on the main body of the tank is to finish up with the smoke stacks and of course the treads.

My inspiration/ reasoning on the different additional details is that the fluff in the GK book states that tanks along are a rare thing in GK armies- and land raiders are even rarer. I wanted to go with a mobile shrine look to the tank- much like what I've done with the Dreadnoughts. Figured that they might as well look the part lol.


Here are the WIP shots:









I hope to have a bit more progress done on the tank in another few days and of course more pictures.


As always thank you for your time and your comments.


Those Scibor bits on your LRC look wonderful!


Did the front inserts fit Ok? I've been looking at some of those and I know that it would be too difficult to cut down if necessary, but was wondering if you had to work them at all. Your army is quite amazing looking and although I'm a real metallic kind of guy, I can appreciate all the work you have put into it. Very impressive.


Plus, I'm rooting for you as we are on the same LPC team. :)



  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for your time and your comments.


Those Scibor bits on your LRC look wonderful!

Did the front inserts fit Ok? I've been looking at some of those and I know that it would be too difficult to cut down if necessary, but was wondering if you had to work them at all.


The front inserts fit alright. You can tell that the front inserts were made to fit in the front areas of the Land Raider- but there is a little bit of a gap on either side- so it doesn't fit perfectly. I did a bit of green stuff in the gap and then hid my horrible work with the green stuff with some free hand and some purity seals. Overall the Scibors stuff is of a high quality and I would suggest it to anyone.


Plus, I'm rooting for you as we are on the same LPC team.

Go Grey Knights!!



I managed to finish up the Land Raider Crusader the other day and here are the pictures:














Thus my vow for the LPC has been fulfilled! Now if only I can figure out how to find the little banner thing this year....


As always thank you for your time and your comments.



  • 1 month later...

It's been a while since I've posted anything for my LPC vow up here. I went through the vows and I didn't realize that I had actually signed up for finish up 3 more GK terminators for a total of five. While this could been seen as a massive goof up on my part- I did actually paint up another three terminators since starting this challenge.


So here are the before and after pictures of the three terminators in questions. I have also changed some of my older terminators weapons out to be halberds (I love halberds), but of course those do not count as part of the challenge here in question.


The before pictures:



The after pictures:




(Oh and there is a Vindicare assassin sneaking about in there).


So that's the Vow completed for the LPC! :D

As always any comments/ suggestions are greatly appreciated.



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