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The Cold March to War

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gallery_40144_5994_27944.jpg The Kraken bids you welcome to "The Cold March to War", my new WIP

Here are the first pictures/updates for my LPC vow;

-The two Razorbacks and their turrets.



-The speeder. I have no idea what I was doing when I last tried painting it, but it's definitely being scrapped.


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I have gotten a little bit of work done on these. Slowly but surely right?


So the Landspeeder has got a good coating of 50/50 Chaos Black/Adeptus Battle Grey. I will go over this with a light sponging or stipling of 50/50 ABG/Fortress Grey, and then pure Fortress Grey. I put a little bit of pure Adeptus Battle Grey on the pilot since he is completely assembled. I want the crew to stand out a little, so thats why they are wearing lighter grey. I also started on the wolf emblem on his shoulder with a base coat of Bubonic Brown.


Got a quarter of the same treatment done on one of the razorbacks. Still having difficulties figuring out how to mount the twin heavy bolters....

The Iron Priest in charge of this project has needed help. He needed a distraction from just painting vehicles to stay motivated. Where do Iron Priests get their help from? Thrall-Servitors of course! I have some thrall-servitors I'm trying to assemble. I'm using Catachan bodies, and Ork Nob power weapons. The power "impaler" arm looks like it will make a good heavy weapons arm, but thats going to take some fiddling.


Hopefully I can get my camera working agin soon.

Completely basecoated the body of one of the Razorbacks, the other is still only half done. I'm trying to figure out how to best do the stippling. Should I stipple with an old brush like I have been, use a sponge, or something else?


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