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When do rules become outdated?

Brother Valerius

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There are several bits of rules (such as codices that were dropped from the lineup, or old WD articles) that are considered to be outdated and no longer in use. My question is, on what basis are these judged to be so (something more substantial than "everyone agrees")? Since a codex remains valid from edition to edition, surely that sets a precedent that old rules are valid until GW specifically rescinds them or issues rules that supersede them? Obviously, you would have the disadvantage of using out-of-date rules, but that should be no bar to using them at all.


What do you guys think?

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In general White Dwarf rules are no longer valid if they modify a codex- like the old Deathwatch rules for example- as soon as that codex is updated.


For other things... technically, for example, the Kroot Mercenaries list is technically still a valid codex, and the Harlequins list is as valid as it ever was....


But good luck getting a TO to agree to that.

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In general White Dwarf rules are no longer valid if they modify a codex- like the old Deathwatch rules for example- as soon as that codex is updated.


For other things... technically, for example, the Kroot Mercenaries list is technically still a valid codex, and the Harlequins list is as valid as it ever was....


But good luck getting a TO to agree to that.



TO have most likely created a rules set that describes which codexes you may use, so you will know before hand that you can or cant use those outdated rules sets.

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This is definitely one of those questoins which can only be answered by saying "decide within your LGS group". There is no official policy. As Grey Mage pointed out some rules are still viable despite being several editions old, while other rules for newer editions have fallen into disfavor due to lack of familiarity with them.
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