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LPC 2012 Vow: Black Templars (Spawnius)


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  • 1 month later...

Alright, so here are the close-up shots



I wish i was better with painting black/white. I cant paint straight lines, quality of my brushes isn't that good, and the shoulder pads are always a pain in the butt for me. But overall im happy with those guys.

I'm eager to see more of your work... specifically some Sword Brethren, eh?

If you would like to see more of my work, you can find it Here. I often go back and forth with my army, constantly repainting them everytime i get better with painting.

Good job, from the looks of it. I'd love some closer looks/tips on how you painted the tabards. In the process of making some Dark Angels now, and need tips for the robes and stuff.


- Nat

Basecoat of pure vomit brown over undercoat of fortress gray. Then it is almost entirely covered by the first highlight layer of 50-50 vomit brown and bleached bone. That is followed by working up the highlights by adding more bleached bone to the mix, and after reaching pure bleached bone the highest points are higlighted by adding skull white to the mix. This is how i paint them.


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