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The looking glass war

Pavement Artist

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Ahoy all,

I've already thrown these up on the Serpent's lair but i thought id share with you too. It was my christmas treat to myself, the beginnings of my heresy era Alpha Legion. I've purchased the mark V kits from Forge world and started building them as chosen. With rigorous application of plastic bitz, ive also managed to kitbash some other models too.


Here is the icon bearer, knocked together to look like he's operating a long range comm's device.






We have Aspiring champ one:






His follicaly challenged brother:






And the spods:



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Ninja'd by Jeffy.gee. Your models would look awesome, but for the love of all that's unholy, remove the mold-lines/leftover plastic, and try to use a little less glue in the future. As it stands, it looks like you're flooding the model, and thus losing detail.


If those problems are fixed, you've got yourself an utterly awesome looking squad, not to mention a very inventive way of including Icons in a secular army.

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Cheers folks, the models have been cleared up, those pics were taken post kitbash. Wanted to be sure they looked the part before i got down to the annoying job of tidying them up.


The glue issue on the icon bearer is irritating, it shows up a lot more in the pic but i admit i was overzealous with it. The glue i was using was on it's last legs and didnt seem like it was taking. Couldve waited a day and got a new pot but...impatience

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Here's a rough idea of how id like the colour scheme to turn out. Sadly the camera made it come out a little messier than it seems to the eye, but overall i'm happy and the forge world chaps will receive a bit more care when it comes to their turn



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