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Plague Bearers and FNP


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So my friend has recently ordered a unit of Plague Bearers and thus we discussed their ability to hold an objective. High toughness, poisoned attacks and Feel No Pain. That's where our question came up.


Feel No Pain is ignored by power weapons and apparently Ap1 or 2 weapons as if they ignore all forms of armour then Feel No Pain has no power.


However, Plague Bearers only have an Invuln. save which cannot be negated (in most cases). So does that mean that unless something bypasses their Invuln. save that they always get Feel No Pain?

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USR Feel no Pain pg.75 states that it cannot be used against wounds from AP1 and AP2. It doesn't matter if model has Inv save which cannot be negated by this weapons. So only their Inv and they "Feel the Pain" :lol:
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However, Plague Bearers only have an Invuln. save which cannot be negated (in most cases). So does that mean that unless something bypasses their Invuln. save that they always get Feel No Pain?


Their FNP rolls are negated in exactly the same circumstances as any other unit with FNP, i.e. when they are struck by weapons that never allow an armour save (eg power weapons) or by AP 1 or 2 weapons or by attacks that cause Instant Death (even though they are immune to ID).

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You don't get Your Feel no Pain save against weapons which cause Instant Death (it doesn't matter if they have double Strength or other rule to that effect) even if You have Eternal Warrior. It's clearly stated in Feel no Pain rules in Rulebook.


Edit: I should have written it simple as Seattle ;)

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other things that never allow armor saves (and thus FnP cannot protect against) dangerous terrain rolls, perils of the warp (not that it matters to plaug bearers).


Typhus does care about that (when he uses his reapers force part)

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He has been very clearly doing it wrong. You can't roll for FnP when you suffer a wound that never allows armor saves, including Dangerous Terrain, and I do believe that's actually an example given in the book.
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Hmph, good to know!


That just makes his all jumper army that much weaker against the Njal/RP setup I've been playtesting recently. Tempest's Wrath FTW!

Yeah, a combo that has hurt my Blood Angels often.

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I'm pretty sure the "no FnP against attacks that don't allow armour saves" applies only to combat. Against shooting it's AP 1/2 and ID hits, so Winds allow FnP as it doesn't fit the shooting criteria.
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Perhaps it would be good and easy to stop all of these misconceptions by simply reading/providing the rule on page 75:


"This ability cannot be used against wounds from weapons that inflict instant death (by having a high enough Strength or a special rule to that effect, even if the model is an eternal warrior."


"Neither can it be used against wounds from AP1 and AP2 weapons, power weapons, and any other wound against which no armor save can ever be taken (like wounds from power fists, Dreadnought close combat weapons, rending weapons that roll a 6, Perils of the Warp, failed dangerous terrain tests, etc)."


Can an armor save be taken by an AP3 weapon? Of course, some units have a 2+ armor save, thus you can roll for FnP against AP3 weapons (as long as they won't inflict Instant Death).



However, Plague Bearers only have an Invuln. save which cannot be negated (in most cases). So does that mean that unless something bypasses their Invuln. save that they always get Feel No Pain?
No, the invulnerable save has nothing to do with anything. If a Plaguebearer suffers a wound from one of the following sources (and others like them), they do not get their FnP:


- Str 10 weapons

- AP 1-2 weapons

- Power weapons

- Force weapons (because they are both power weapons and when you use the ability it inflicts instant death)

- Wind of Chaos/Breath of Chaos

- Gift of Chaos/Boon of Mutation

- Failed Dangerous Terrain tests

- Fabius Bile's pimp cane

- Rending weapons that roll a 6 (from shooting or close combat)

- Monstrous Creature close combat attacks

- A failed Death or Glory attempt

- Psychic powers that are AP 1-2 and/or ignore armor saves



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Make sure to remember that its the base toughness, not the end toughness. Plaguemarines actually die from missile launchers, no problem because theyre T 4(5). *IIRC, my books are at home and I am not*
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No, reread the rules. It says any wounds that don't allow armor saves, and again it specifically mentions Dangerous Terrain, which is just plain not an attack at all.


Fair enough, I'll take your word for it as my rulebook is in a different location to where I am currently! :ph34r:

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