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Plague Bearers and FNP


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That wasnt necessarily aimed at you Seahawk, its just something thats come up against alot of chaos players in my area and its a good thing for other players to note- like Tau and SM-bike players for example.
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That wasnt necessarily aimed at you Seahawk, its just something thats come up against alot of chaos players in my area and its a good thing for other players to note- like Tau and SM-bike players for example.


And the reason that my opponent, who occasionally takes a unit of Nurgle Bikers, has come to hate my 4 x Missile Launcher Devastator Squad :P

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Make sure to remember that its the base toughness, not the end toughness. Plaguemarines actually die from missile launchers, no problem because theyre T 4(5). *IIRC, my books are at home and I am not*



And that's why marines with a Sang Priest just don't stack up to plague marines...that 4(5) makes a big diff.

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