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Rage Question

Lord Frost

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this was my scenario, a pack of death company on foot moves toward the closest target, a pack of long fangs, they move towards them and are within two inches of them, however because of this moove they are also within 6 inches of a wolf lord, they shoot at the wolf lord, they are now obligated to assault him, which they do.


It seems like a catch 22 to the rules, was this a legal move, or are they obligated to shoot at the long fangs and assault them as they are the closets target?


thanks in advance for your infinite wisdom.



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this was my scenario, a pack of death company on foot moves toward the closest target, a pack of long fangs, they move towards them and are within two inches of them, however because of this moove they are also within 6 inches of a wolf lord, they shoot at the wolf lord, they are now obligated to assault him, which they do.


It seems like a catch 22 to the rules, was this a legal move, or are they obligated to shoot at the long fangs and assault them as they are the closets target?


thanks in advance for your infinite wisdom.



rage does not require assaulting the closest, only moving towards, running towards (if you run) and consolidating towards. You were perfectly legal.

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