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Camdoran Crusade

Marshal Reinhard

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Small update: The 5 man beakie squad is completed (not much different here)

As well as the first of my own assault terminators completed.... or so I would like to have said, but oh Emperor, I missed that many things? Well it's a WIP then.

[Image lost in the warp...]

For good and bad, my camera is pretty merciless.


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Ok a bit more substantial update this time around:

My assault Terminator squad has been completed

As well as my Chaplain to lead them

And here's a happy groupshot, just because
[Image lost in the warp...]

That, leaves 5 assault initiates left for my LPC... I think I may have to add things to it, again.

Your Honour is you life, let none dispute it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, haven't been updating much in a while, due to a bit of hectic schedule. What time i've had to the crusade has mostly gone to assembling the bulk of my force, and last night i got to priming it all. So this is update is more of showing what's going to dominate my upcoming updates for a while (also, by posting pictures of it all for everyone to see I'm also committing myself to a higher degree to completing them...)

For now: The Black Tide comes...

[All images lost in the warp...cry.gif ]

And no, that's not a devestator squad in there, those are simply weapon switches for when i need more Zap and less Dakka in my heavy weapons. Anyway, does anyone have any ideas for fluffy reasons for why my crusade possessessuch a high number of pre-heresy toys? My own thought was that they discovered a derelict strike cruiser or the like that was believed to have been lost in battle 10.000 years ago, but had simply been lost in the vastness of space after the crew died, keeping its weapons and veichles perfectly preserved until discovered. Anyone have any other ideas?

Next update should feature the assault marines and my EC, not shown here, after they've been completed. which will finish off my LPC vow.


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Anyway, does anyone have any ideas for fluffy reasons for why my crusade possessessuch a high number of pre-heresy toys?


- Hand-picked by Helbrecht for mission of vital importance. Granted access to the armoury aboard the Eternal Crusader

- Rediscovered ancient derelict forgeship

- Reconquered heretek forgeworld with uncorrupted pre-heresy armoury vault. Admech gifts vault contents in gratitude for BT aid.

- Imperial Fist Legion cruiser containing elements from Sigismund's First grand Company reemerges from the warp. Upon learning what has transpired since the great crusade they petition Helbrecht to join the BT.

- Spoils of war from putting down 2nd or 3rd founding ultramarine successors gone renegade.

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  • 2 weeks later...
ya so i'm pretty jealous of all your contemptor dread goodness there man. did you just use the heavy weps from the devastator box? i need to pick one of those up. i only have 3x ml's and 1 hb right now. i want some lascannons and maybe a few plasma cannons as well. you want to put up a group shot of your whole vow? i'll be finishing mine this wkd when i get some fleshy paint for my fist guy (the 1 guy i pick to paint with out a friggin helm, right?) great work, reinhard keep it up!
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I do plan on making a group shot for my LPC vow once I'm finished, Currently I am working on the last piece, the emperors champion, so it shouldn't be too long now.


I did indeed get a devestator box to assemble most of the heavy weapons, then the regular bolter marines themselves are mainly put together from bits i got off of ebay together with spare bits from GW boxes. So far i've only bought a single box of each troop type. I try my best to keep the cost of the crusade down, since the contemptors are inflating said cost quite a bit.

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yesterday i actually spent some time taking apart some of my old bolter guys and changing out their arms so i could put templar shoulder pads on them, unfortunately i don't have any of the bolters with the chains though, those look great. almost all of my models are base coated now, which is awesome, and we'll see how long it takes me to paint all of them lol good luck!
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I have now completed my LPC vow. Tried my hand at photographing outside to remove the need of the camera flash but lighting conditions proved to be still less than optimal.

The Emperor's champion
[Image lost in the warp...]

Assault Squad
[Image lost in the warp...]

Here's an attempted group photo of the whole LPC vow, it got kinda crowded in my makeshift photo booth.
[Image lost in the warp...]

I've updated the photos in the first post as well.


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  • 2 months later...

Long time no update!

In the interest of expanding my crusade i have entered both the Crusade Expansion Challenge VIII painting vow as well as the Dark Angels board's challenge, the E Tenebrae Lux. I've pledged the following models for each vow.

Crusade Expansion:
1 Contemptor (yes another)
25 initiates
5 neophytes

E Tenebrae Lux:
5 Assault initiates
10 Terminators.

I've already completed the Crusade Expansion vow and I have now started the Dark Angels challange. Here is what I've completed so far.

Venerable brother Gervhart, Contemptor Dreadnought


Crusader Squad


Crusader Fire Team A

Crusader Fire Team B

Crusader Fire Team C

For those paying attention the extra heavy weapon in the last 3 images is merely a weapon switch. I know I can't field both at the same time, sadly tongue.gif. Next up...



Assault initiates


And finally, completely unrelated to any vow, is the newest member of my assault terminator squad shown in the center here:

Your Honour is your Life, let none dispute it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Second part of my E Tenebrae Lux vow, the terminator squads. Have been assembled and after a little cleanup, ready to be primed.

[Image lost in the warp...]

Not sure if i should do something more with the bases for the Assault Cannon squad, comments and suggestions welcome!

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I made an objective marker


No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!

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E Tenebrae Lux Painting Challenge vow Complete! The first one anyway...

For this challange I vowed to complete:

  • 5 Assault initiates, one armed with a power weapon and two armed with plasma pistols
  • 5 Sword Brethren Terminators, 2 armed Assault Cannons and one with a chainfist
  • 5 Sword Brethren Terminators, 2 armed with Cyclone Missile Launchers and one with a chainfist

Having completed the assault initiates two updates back, that leaves the Terminators, of which the results can be seen below:

Terminators with Cyclones


Terminators with Assault Cannons

Lastly a group shot of the vow in whole


Slowly planning a second vow for E Tenebrae Lux, but wish to deliberate further on that while waiting for a few things...

For the Sigismund! For Dorn! For the Emperor!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Second vow for E Tenebrae Lux Completed:

Swordbrethren Terminator Command Squad


Sergeant is Forgeworld's Commander Culln of the Red Scorpions, while the other three are assorted members from Space Hulk 3d Edition. Get the feeling "Culln" looks more like a Marshal or Castellan rather than a CC sergeant.

Still waiting for components for my next ETL vow, depending on how long that takes, the next update may or may not be some odds and ends.

Suffer not the Alien to live!

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Awesome progress!!! I really love the crusader squad with the FW Mk armor!


Nice paintjob aswell.. Mine just came and I am hoping to use them as a sword brethren squad..


The objective is a great idea! I hate when player just use a GW paint or something even worse for a objective...

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